Story Time - People...

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Did I ever told y'all that I absolutely fucking to the fullest hate people?

So Jun 11, 2024. What started to be a good Tuesday. Time 5:10 or 11, idk.

So me, my friend Jayden, and my first little brother Bryan. We are walking to a store and while walking. My brother noticed a car with its trunk open.

So he called them and told them, to let them know it's open. Here's the dialogue of the conversation.

Bryan: "Yoo! Your trunk is open, y'know"

The Guy: "Yea. We fucking know that al-fucking-ready! Shut the fuck up and mind your own business!"

I have no idea why he was yelling for? So, we all looking confuse and was like what was he so mad for. We continue walking and we are like two stores away from your destination.


He finds us and stops the cars, and begins yelling AGAIN!! Like, what?!?!

So I stepped in because I'm helping my brother. So, calmly, I said.

Me: " We were just letting you know. You don't have to-"

Before I got to even finish, his gf jumped in and was like.

His gf: "Baby you needs to shut the fuck up and stay in a child place!! Blah! Blah! Yelling! Cursing!! Blah! Bleh! And I'll beat yo motherfuckin ass, bitch"

Now, I'm pissed. I don't like being called a bitch...

I dislike it, unless your name is Toji, Sukuna, Madara, Itachi, Doffy, Sir Crocodile, Mihawk , or Hawkins. And if not, don't call me that! Arguing or not.

So I told her to "Do it" and she stepped out of the car and ran up on me. Quickly I gave my stuff to the boys. But Jayden held me back and told me to keep walking.

The police came to stop it. The female cop told me what happened and I told her everything. What I did and what everyone else did.

Me, Jayden and my brother are walking to the store that we originally supposed to go to before the interruption of our walk.

Boom! Some old lady came up to me and started yelling at me. AND FOR NO REASON!!!

I DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!! LIKE?!?! I'ma say this one time, and multiple times. I don't care about your age, height, weight, gender, race, or family. I will beat yo ass and do it again. Just. For. Fun.

So I obviously yelled back, then she kicked me. Kicked my leg that already fucking hurts!!! I tried getting my lick back but someone was holding me. Then


She hit me again. On. My. Fucking. Sensitive. Chest.

It hurt like a bitch...

I called my mom and she came.

Love you mommy.

Now she is now pressing chargers on the lady.

And to all those people who tried fighting a little 15 y/o..


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