'Sick' dragon

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Malleus gets tired of being the strong one and wants his tiny human to take care of him

He gets a little soft and cuddly towards the end


With Ace and Deuce as your partners in crime, it was virtually impossible to be unaware of how the Heartslabyul housewarden, Riddle Rosehearts, became ill.

Ace was pretty happy about it, because he thought that would mean that he could slack off(Note: he was wrong).

You honestly quite like Riddle, and ever since his overblot, the two of you have Ben talking more often. You'd like to believe that he considers you to be a friend, just as you do with him.

Anyways, you had rushed over to Heartslabyul to check on him. It wasn't anything too serious, but you still wanted to make sure he was doing alright. You know that he can take care of himself and probably doesn't need you there.. But you can't help it!

Riddle is baby.

You ended up spending the rest of the day over at Heartslabyul, going back to Ramshackle once Riddle insisted that it was getting late and he didn't want you walking back late at night.

Approaching the run down dorm, you ran into your favorite late night companion.

"Ah, Tsunotaro! Going for another nightly walk?"

The tall man turned in your direction upon the sound of your melodic voice. A smile stretched across his pale face as you got closer.

"Hm? Ah yes, I was feeling rather 'cooped up' back in my dorm. Where is it you are returning from? It is quite late after all..."

"Oh, I was just at Heartslabyul. Riddle got sick, so I wanted to make sure he was alright, see if he needed anything, take care of him y'know? I think I may have come off as too strong.. I feel like he probably hates me and thinks I'm overbearing T-T."

This had caused his smile to fade into a frown, brows creased subtly in mild concern. He did not like the sight of your distress. It caused unpleasant feelings to sprout in his chest.

"That is unreasonable. Rosehearts understands that you were just trying to look after him, he probably appreciates the effort."

You had switched up pretty fast now, beaming up at him and rubbing your nape in embarrassment.

"Haha, yeah I know. Most of my worries aren't all that logical, but that doesn't stop me from worrying. You're probably right though." You wave dismissively, before snapping your fingers and looking up at him. "Are you free for a while? I could heat us up some tea if you wanna come inside."

His expression had lit up from the invitation, grinning with amusement. He always got happy when his favorite human extended invitations to him, no matter what it was for. For them, he would always attend.

He had followed you into the old dorm, gracefully taking a seat on your couch. He waited patiently for you to finish with the tea, his gaze never straying from your form. It was as if he was deep in thought.

His train of thought only halted when a piping hot cup of tea was placed in front of him.

"It's hot, be careful"

Malleus would not be very effected by the temperature of the tea. After all, he could handle a lot more than a human. However, he had to admit, your soft voice worrying for his well-being over a small thing was surprisingly endearing.

He watched you blow on your tea in a feeble attempt to cool it down, and although he had no inclination to do so, he did the same.

The smile that stretched across his lips, just above the rim of the cup, was a fond smile. His gaze softened and his total, unbridled attention was set onto you, taking in every tiny action with a keen and observant eye, not wishing to miss out on any of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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