Chapter 1: A new friend

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'Crash, bang!' The haunted melody of the storm and howling wind danced throughout the abandoned house that I had once called my home. The soft pitter patter of rain changed into a raging shower, yet I cannot even bring myself to focus on that wonderful sound.

Because here I stand in front of a horrific scene. Red liquid stained into the once white carpet and walls, as I stare in horror like a dear in headlights at the girl I had once loved ...My sister. "Victoria..." I can't help but cry her name, my mouth burning with a foul taste... I feel sick. Her long black hair is framed across her left eye and mouth, her right eye staring lifelessly at me, her chest ripped and torn apart as her pink and red dotted gut hangs out with a nasty infected bite. The smell of rotten flesh burning my small nose makes me want to vomit even more.

'Zombies' I think, that or 'Cannibals.' But that is just what the undead are; lifeless, decaying, cannibals. Once a human who loved and laughed, now a monster to be shot on sight. I do not know how this all happened, I do not know why. All I know is I must escape this living dead before I end up like them.


For a second, I think that I am hungry even though my stomach does not hurt, and I know damn well that I ate on the way here. But of course, I am not and that is not my stomach talking to me but something else in the room. A hint of green, behind a dark wooden table in the living room that is lying on its side covered in the same red liquid as my sister. Green...the colour of a zombie's skin.

Slowly and silently, I walk towards the tilted table, a Bat that I have been holding held high over my head of black hair ...but as I get closer, I hear crying -soft little hic ups and sniffles- And I start to wonder if I am wrong, and it is a child instead. As I peek around the corner, I can feel my heart stop and fill up with concern.

A boy around my age, with blond hair and a green shirt sits curled up, his hands over his head resting on bobbing knees. he is crying and sobbing covered in something's blood ... was he attacked and decided to hide here?

"Hay...are you, ok?" I call out lowering my bat as his head whips up to look at me with brown puffy eyes. He has a petrified look mixed within the brown hue... blood stains the corner of his shaking lips.

"Please don't hurt me," he whimpers out. "I didn't mean to hurt her."

Hurt her...I stare at him for a moment, taking in his shaking form before it kicks in. A zombie did not attack Victoria... this boy did. This stranger had ripped and torn her apart and now he is crying over what he had done.

I feel two emotions boiling inside of me. Hate, for he had killed the one thing I had left in this undead town...And pity, because he had not meant to and clearly, he felt sorry for what he had done. I do not even know why he had done it...had it been in self-defence? Or had he done it for Reasons no one could control?

"Why?" I whisper my soft blue eyes never leaving his. "Why did you kill her...why did you kill my sister?" I needed to know. I needed to understand.

"I had to do it, or she would kill me," he whispers out his eyes darting around crazily.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to kill her I am so sorry."

He says it over and over, and I believe him. He wouldn't be crying or shaking this badly if he hadn't feared what he had done ...he still has a heart.

"it's ok" I whisper softly as a rub blood off the boy's cheek. "It was an accident you didn't mean to ... you know better now."

The boy smiled, a softer look forming in his brown coloured eyes.

"Thank you..."

"Charlie," I say. "My name is Charlie."

He nods his smile growing brighter.

"Nick ... Nick Nelson" 


"Well Nick...I don't know about you, but I rather not stay in a house with a rotten corpse ... it kind of smells to the point I want to vomit." I watch as the tall blond nods agreeing with my statement about the horrific smell of my sister's corpse. I hold out a soft pail hand to nick and help the other boy stand up and pull him towards the front door.

 "Where are we going to go?" nick asks over my shoulder as I open the wooden door stepping out into the rain, the wind whipping around us and messing up my black short hair. "Somewhere safe for the night then in the morning I'm going to head towards the airport ...maybe we can fly out of here?" I know it's probably not possible, I don't know how to fly, and I don't think anyone would even be flying planes at a time like this... but it's all I got. "And the zombies? I offence Charlie but there are cannibals all around the streets and houses ... I don't think anyone will survive this..." I can tell that Nick truly believes that there is no hope for humanity anymore ... that there truly is no point in even trying... but I want to at least try and live out the days I have left if I can at all.

 "Well fill free to get yourself killed then Mr. no hope, but I'm going to at least try and get out of here.' I say my voice laced with sarcasm as I walk out into the rain, the ice-cold water running down my face and drenching my clothing. "h hay you can't just leave me behind! I'm coming with!" I can hear him following me now threw the silent streets, the pitter patter of rain and the sound of our steps playing a hunting melody for us as the wind whistled in our ears.

 "Whatever Nick' I mutter leading the way. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16 ⏰

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