50 Arnav's Stand

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Part 50 Arnav's Stand

Dadi and Anjali were shocked to hear Arnav. Were not they taken Phares?

Dadi walked towards the living room, shouting for Nani.

"Devyani... Devyani..."

Nani and everyone rushed to the living room, hearing her high-pitched voice, including Khushi.

"What happened Subhadra? Why are you shouting?" Nani asked while heading to the living room.

"What are you doing at home? Is this how you are running the family?" Dadi asked and Nani frowned.

"What's the matter Subhatra? How could I understand what you are talking about without telling the matter?"

"Do you know how Arnav's wedding happened?"

"He married Khushi Bitiya in the temple on the same day when Akash and Payal got married"

"Did the wedding happen with authentic rituals? Did they take Phares? Did Panditji chant the hymns?" she arrowed the questions.

Nani looked at Arnav who rolled his eyes.

"He didn't even take Phares... Do you know that? They just exchanged the garlands like kids and said they were married" Dadi said, glaring at Khushi.

Nani looked at Arnav and asked,

"Is it true, Chotte? Didn't you take Phares?" Nani asked.

"What's the big deal, Nani?" Arnav shrank his face annoyingly.

"It is... without completing Phares, it can't be considered a wedding. It's an important ritual of the wedding...! The couple should take Phares circling the holy fire. That's what is called a wedding. Do you know how sacred they are?" Dadi asked.

"I don't have faith in rituals and all..." Arnav simply said.

"Stop talking irresponsibly, Arnav. Phares are holy ones. That's what completes the wedding"

"According to me, a man and a woman's love complete the wedding..." Arnav argued logically.

"Chotte, this is not done. See, Subhadra is accusing me of your deed" Nani said disappointedly.

"There is nothing to accuse you of, Nani, because I didn't do any crime"

"Chotte, when you didn't even complete your wedding, how could you guys can be together? Is not it a crime?"

Arnav shrank his eyes thoughtfully. He understood why Subhadra was creating a scene taking the phares issue.

"What do you mean, Nani?"

"Taking Phares is a sacred ritual. The couple should take Phares to complete the wedding"

"Mind you tell me why should the couple take Phares?"

"It's a kind of taking VOWs. It has deep meaning..." Dadi said.

"The Phares may be sacred... it doesn't mean, people who take Pheras would follow it sincerely. How many people follow the vows? Not even your SON followed it. If he had followed it, he would not have betrayed my mother. She would not have committed suicide. (Khushi looked at Arnav shockingly. Did his mother commit suicide?) Then, what's the value of taking the bloody vows? A man and a woman should be pure in their hearts. Then, their life will be smooth. If they are not loyal to each other, no vows could control them... no matter how many vows they take" Arnav sneered.

Dadi was shocked to the core. She didn't expect Arnav to bring her son's issue there. Even Nani went speechless.

"This is an unjustifiable adamant argument, Arnav..." Dadi said making a firm face.

"Why Dadi...? Can't you tolerate the truth about your son?"

"Arnav, you are talking unnecessarily"

"Unnecessarily? Like really? You questioned Nani about raising us with values. What about your brought-up? Did you do that properly? Did your son have values? Did he have responsibility? Being a father of two children, he heeded another woman in his life and you are talking about values...! You amazed me, Dadi...!"

"Arnav, this is not a time to discuss something that was already done"

"I'm telling you the same... you guys don't need to discuss something that was already done. We are married. Khushi is my wife. That's all..."

"No, it's not a marriage. Without getting married, she could not be with you... do you know what the name of such a girl in society?"

Arnav gritted his teeth and shouted,

"Enough Dadi... this is the limits...! If you give such a name to a girl, what about me? am I not responsible? Why the hell did you accuse my wife?"

"This is how this society works..."

"Oh, really? Shall I show you how it works? Wait..."

He removed his phone and dialed someone. The call was attended. Arnav turned the speaker on and spoke.

"Hello, Mr. Raizada..."

"Hello, Commissioner sir, I want to know about an important legal term. That's why I called you"

"yeah, tell me, Mr. Raizada"

"I got married to my wife LEGALLY and registered our wedding. Some people are trying to separate her from me because we didn't complete the wedding rituals... what can I do to them?"

"You can even put them behind bars for interfering in your life. The law needs proof, not rituals. As per the law, you have registered your wedding. So, no one could separate your wife from you. no one has the right to do that. Nowadays, people daringly stay together without getting married. Law allows that too. Separating the couple by giving the excuse of rituals is so silly. Tell me, who is doing that? We will take action against them"

"Thank you so much, sir. I will surely tell you if the matter slips from my hands"

"You are welcome" Arnav disconnected the call looking at Dadi dangerously.

"What does the call mean, Arnav? Will you put me behind bars?" Dadi asked with a sharp gaze.

"It doesn't matter whether I put you behind bars, Dadi but the matter you are arguing is definitely worth doing that"

"Don't you know the meaning of respect? Don't you realize you are insulting me?"

"I can also ask you the same, Dadi. Do you know the meaning of respect? Do you realize you insulted my wife? She is a daughter-in-law of the Raizada clan. Did you respect our relationship? Do you behave like the respected elder woman of this family?"

"I can't believe a girl can change a man to this extent. She is the one who made you talk all of this against your family, right?"

"Dadi, I warn you... not one more word about Khushi...I won't be nice to you then"

Dadi looked at Nani and asked,

"Why are you silent, Devyani? Won't you say anything?"

Before Nani said anything, Anjali did.

"There is nothing to say, Dadi. I don't think Chotte is wrong. Not everyone who takes Pheras follows the vows. It's all fake. Respecting a relationship is not about taking Phares. It's a matter of heart. Chotte and Khushiji respect their relationship more than the Phare-taking couple does."

Arnav gulped down hard. He knew what made Anjali talk like that. She spoke keeping Shyam in her mind. Everyone understood that.

"Anjali, are you in your senses? How could you talk like this? This is an orthodox family. I can't allow this girl to be here"

"Ok, fine... If you don't want my wife to be here, I will also not be here. I'm leaving RM forever with my wife. You can freely cry hugging your damn rituals..." He roared making Dadi shocked to the core.

Clutching Khushi's hand, Arnav headed to his room, leaving all of them thunder-struck.

To be continued...

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