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After lunch they all was sitting in the living room talking and laughing where Taehyung was continuously looking at Elma and was smiling like a stupid ~ Jimin were busy in telling funny things so that he can make his Zehra laugh ~

Jennie : umm Guys listen it's already 05:00pm let's go somewhere???

Jimin : Jennie we always go out and have fun but we rarely get a chance to sit and talk.

Aina : yeah Jiminie is right it's good to stay at home ~

Jennie : okay than let's make snacks ~

Jimin : yeah than Then you people tell us about the history of Islam

Jungkook : i just wanna know more about my friend ~

Jimin : are you talking about that friend ~

Jungkook : are you also-

Hamza, Taehyung : who???

Aina , Sira : Allah tala ~

Taehyung : oh

Hamza : ma shaa Allah, ma shaa Allah ~

Elma : me and Sira is going to make Snacks than ~

Jimin : are you guys sure ?

Taehyung : umm wait I'll order it ~

Elma : but we can-

Taehyung : sit here both of you I'm ordering ~

Jimin patted beside him on the sofa while smiling towards Sira she smile and sit beside him ~ everyone was sitting here and there on the sofa ~

Elma : Hamza is going to tell you about the history of Islam he knows alot about Islam even more than us ~

Aina : yeah I always confirm everything about Islam ti Hamza bhai

Sira : as he studied in Qatar ~

Jennie : what ?? Qatar ??

Hamza : yeah ~ it's been a month since I come Korea

Jimin : woahhhh So then for how long did you stay in Qatar ???

Hamza : ummm maybe 10 years ~

Jungkook, Jennie : WHAT ???

Elma : yeah you know he just applied in
Yonsei university ~

Jennie : woahhhh me too !!!

Jungkook : it's not a coincidence, density wanna say something to us ~

Taehyung : Jungkookkkk ~

Jungkook : Taehyung Jimin graduated from that university ~

Aina : seems like your both are soulmates ~

Jimin : haha ~

Taehyung : no ~


Hamza : oh now quiet everyone!!! I'm going to tell everyone ~

Everyone excepted Taehyung : YESSS!!!

Hamza : so what do you know about Islam Jimin ~

Jimin : ummmmm I'll try my best to tell wait !!!

He started to thinking where everyone was waiting for him to say ~

Jimin : Zehra told me about Prophet Muhammad SAW ~

Hamza : Ma sha Allah ~ that's good ~

Jimin : i know about him ~

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