chapter nineteen

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Starla's POV

We finally got the house cleaned there where there were a couple of things Kaden had to fix. The electricity was on, and we now had running water, so we no longer had to wash in the creek. It had been a couple of weeks since we came out here. I kept in touch with Grandpa, and Kaden called his mom to keep in touch with her.

Kaden kept busy by doing some work around the house outside and in. Mostly outside, I did house cleaning to keep myself busy and went into town grocery shopping.

It was a weekend and I was cleaning the upstairs bedroom that we had made ours for now. It we the masters bedroom. Kaden had put down new hard wood flooring, and we had bought a new king-size bed to put in it. He had painted the walls a fresh, smokey taupe color and hung the shaker beige curtains I had chosen to go into the room. The covers were the same beige color. We didn't have dressers so all our clothes hung up in the closet. Our underwear went under the bed on nice shelves that Kaden made for us for us.

I was in the middle of sweeping the floor when a wave of nausea hit me. I take off to the bathroom, leaving the door open as I get there.

I hear when Kaden comes in calling my name, but I can't say anything because of the situation I'm in. I hear his feet as he rushes up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"Starla," he calls out as he inters

stepping into the bathroom, he finds me on the floor bent over the toilet.

"You alright?" he asked, going to the small closet that's in there

"I think I might have a stomach virus or something," I tell him

"Maybe lay down and relax a bit," he tells me, handing me a rag

He helps me out of the floor and into the bed. Tucking me, he kisses my forehead.

"It doesn't feel like you have a fever," he says. "Maybe you just got too hot. Do you need anything"

"Some water, please."

He smiles, kissing my forehead again he leaves me lying there. I could hear him moving around downstairs. It's not even been two seconds, and I am rushing back into the bathroom again.

I sit on the floor against the wall. I'm going over everything in my head. Did I eat something that might have upset my stomach.

"When was your last period, Starla?" Kaden asked

I look up at him, and he stands in the doorway, his arms crossed over his broad chest. A smug look on his face. I bite my bottom lip.

"Two months ago," I say

He steps into the room, helping me up out of the floor. My hand goes to my stomach.

"Well," he says, looking down as his own hands caress over my stomach. I bite my finger, trying to hide the smile on my face. "Maybe it's time to get a doctors appointment."

His eyes come to mine, moving my hand away from my face, his lips clam mine. I have to pull away thoug as once again nausea rises. I cover my mount with my hand.

"Sorry," I tell him as I trun to the toilet again

"It's ok," he says, pulling my hair out of my face

It doesn't take long for us to find a doctor in the small town we are in. Kaden makes an appointment with him, and we are sitting in the office next week.

"Mrs Gregory, after looking at all your test results," the doctor says, taking a seat in front of us. "I want to congratulate you, your three months pregnant,"

I look over at Kaden. His eyes are on me, "Thank you, doctor, for everything," Kaden says

"Do you have any questions?" he asked

"No, non that come to mind," I say

"I have your release form ready for you. I've prescribed some vitamins for you to take once dayly and some Pyridoxine for your sickness, " he tells me."I want to see you back a week from today. "

We stand as he does, Kaden shakes his hand, and we all leave the room. I was shocked, I think. Pregnant me three months. Kaden rested his hand on my lower back as we headed out to the car.

I'm quiet even after we stop at the local drug store and the vitamins and medicines the doctor prescribed.

"You alright, baby?" Kaden says

"Yeah, just thinking,"

"You know moms going be excited," he says

I smile. "How do you feel?" I ask

He takes my hand that rests in the middle of the carseat. "When I asked you to marry me I didn't know how far we were going go with this whole thing" he says "I fell in love with you" he said "with the most subtle why you done things"

I look over at him, his eyes glance over at me, then back at the road ahead of him.

"My mom and dad didn't have that kind of love," he says. "I never thought I would have that. Having a child with you is everything, " He says

I smile. "If you don't say that when we renew our vows, I'll kick your ass," I tell him

He grins, glancing at me once again. "When we renew our vows,"

I shrug my shoulders "maybe in twenty years from now"

Lifting my hand, he kisses my knuckles. "I love you," he tells me

"I love you,"

His mom was over the moon when he told her. She started talking about a baby shower. Kaden had to remind her we were in hiding. I called Grandpa that night to talk to him.

"Hey, my little girl," he says as he answers he didn't sound too well

"Grandpa, how are you feeling?" I ask

"I'm fine, sweetheart," he says, caughing

"How is everything going down there?" I ask

"It's good, Jason has been coming by and checking in on me. Moria even came by to see me, " he tells me

"I'm glad, Grandpa, I got some exciting news, but I need to know if you can handle it."

"Julie is here beside me." He says,"What's all the excitement? " he says

"I'm pregnant," I tell him

"That's wonderful news, sweetheart. I have something to look forward to now getting to see my great grand baby." He says

I smile, and a tear escapes behind my eyelid. "I love you so much, Grandpa."

"I love you too, sweet girl,"

"I miss you, maybe Kaden and I can come visit."

"It's too dangerous Starla promise me you will stay where you are,"

"I promise Grandpa,"

After we hung up, I lay on the bed. Kaden lays down behind me his arms around me as I cry. I missed my Grandpa so much.

"His so sick, Kaden," I tell him

"We'll find away to get up there," he tells me

"He made me promise not to come up, though."

"I'll see what I can do," he says, kissing my head. "Don't worry, baby, I'll take care of everything."

I cried myself to sleep that night thinking about my grandpa. All I wanted to do was see him once more before he passed on. He had been so strong and made it this long, but I knew it wasn't going to be much longer.

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