Chapter 1

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As I got closer and closer to the venue, I realize how hard it's going to be to get close parking. Warped Tour was a big deal, so it made sense but even then, didn't know it would get this bad.

I decided to park further away from the venue than I had liked, but at least it would make leaving easier later on.

Usually I come with my same group of friends every year, but a couple of them were going out of state, and the others were both sick. Horrible timing for all of this, but I didn't mind going alone. Especially if it meant I could see my favorite bands.

The closer I got to entering the more anxiety I started to feel. The realization of being alone hit me pretty hard too when I looked around only to find groups of people waiting behind and in front of me. I guess it wasn't normal to be alone and I knew that but still, I wish I didn't feel so different from the rest.

I get in and find my spot in the crowd, not leaving for a second because I had a good spot and was not about to give it up. The sun was blaring down right onto everyone and I heard about 20 complaints about the heat in between each bands set.

Finally a band that I really wanted to see started walking out onto the stage and I felt every bit of my body heat up with excitement. Bring Me The Horizon starts their set off strong, causing the whole crowd to go insane. They even got the apparent non-fans screaming and cheering for them. Oli hops down from the stage and starts walking across the outside of the barricade.

The he gets closer and closer to me the faster my heart races. I reach out for a high five, but instead he wraps one of his arms around me for a quick hug then he continues on. My face turns red and I know it without looking, my entire body is also shaking while trying to fight off tears of happiness.

I got a hug from the one and only, Oli Sykes.

The rest of their set goes on, and I start to control my happiness for the time being and enjoy the show. I seem to lock eyes with Oli multiple times from my view but he probably was looking at other fans.

At least that's the more reasonable assumption right?

I reach for my phone and get many photos of the band, especially when Lee gets closer to the edge of the stage in front of where I am.


Once all the bands finished I start trying to quickly make my way out, but to no avail. I do make it out eventually, not as quick as I hoped, but definitely sooner than most people who were at the front.

I'm walking down the street to the side of the venue to reach my car and I pull out my phone and start sending photos and videos to my friends. They of course begged throughout the whole day to get them asap. I look up from my phone and I see Oliver standing on the side of the sidewalk phone also in hand

One of the people I looked up to most, and hugged earlier, was standing ahead of me once again.

I debate asking for a photo, but I decide I didn't want to bother him and I keep walking. That is until he looks up from his phone and notices me.

"Hey you how was the show?" Oli says nonchalantly, shutting his phone off and turning to me. I can feel my heart beating harder in my chest.

"Your guys's set was amazing" I reply truthfully. It was definitely my favorite performance of the day and I don't regret staying in the heat for them.

He continues the conversation by mentioning how he immediately recognized me as the girl he hugged, which made me fan girl even harder knowing he remembered me. Silly I know, but I've loved this guy and his music for years.

I ask for a quick picture and he wraps his arm around my back again and throws up a peace sign with his other hand. I thank him quickly and bid him bye before attempting to walk off.

But he wasn't done talking.

"What was your name again? You're cool and I'll probably remember you for a while". I don't know why, but the last part threw me off slightly.

"Ivy. Hopefully easy enough to remember"


And with that, he waves goodbye and we both walk our own ways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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