ReLativity falls journal 3. stanfords entrys 1

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June 1st

Heya my name is stanford pines. And i just found this journal  you might be wondering  how a normal kid like me got this book. Well it wasnt a wattpad story that i bought the print off the truth is i found it in a box cos the state messed up. Lol thx steve.

As i said i originally found it in a box meant to be send to my great aunt mabel (more about her later.) And afte ri looked through it i found wonderous monsters... and the disturbing rambligns of a lunatics diary. So Im gonna write what happened today but first an introduction to me.


Face: identical to my twin brother stanley  i however need glasses. Stanley does as well but refuses to wear them. I also like the long hair cut

Jacket: an aviator jacket i got from mom. I really like it and it gives me an excuse to cover up.

Gloves/mittens :They Cover up my embarassing secret. Im not gonna write about it here but thats why my bro gave me the nickname "sixer"

Sexuality: im inclined to say asexual. idk Might update. Update: Demisexual

Relatives: My Twin brother Stanley, Imagine me But Bisexual and constantly having eaten atleast 20 kg of sugar, I reallly lvoe and trust him cos well hes my broher. ( stanle yif youre reading this youre cool). My parents Fillbrick and Karyn Pines theyre pretty standard parents currently they are trying to ge tus out of new jersey as well that place SUCKS. My great aunt Mabel: were livign with her im gonna write an entire page about her later. (we used to call her Ima mabel)

Likes: the paranormal, books, The original version of classic monster movie Kurira

Dislikes: The diea of zombified amelia earheart,  book burnings The americanized Version Of Kurira  " Korirla Monarch of monstrosities"


So remember how i said i Dislike the idea of zombiefied Amelia earheart?  Well guess what happened today? RIGHT me and stanley went to take flying lessons from a ZOMBIFIED AMELIA EARHEART. well technically she was a vampire aparantly vmapires are just a subspecies of zombies which, i never expected that. But anyway afetr a heart to heart amnd telling stanley about the book we kicked her monster Butt. Who knew that dumb word of graunt mabels "mysteryseum" play actually helped.. 

But stanley ...was the real help

" If youve been on enough road trips youve prolly seen a Relativity falls or mysteryuseum bumpersticker both of them are higly debated to Be well.. existant by outsiders . i still have problems not letting My thoughts control me but who knows . Maybe someone who helped you beat amelia airheart could help you with that as well. We dont know Who to trust But maybe Our Graunt mabel would be a start Who knows. Anyway this is Stanford pines signing off "

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