The Real end!

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I woke up I didn't know what happend,I appeared at the forest again. My head started hurting alot.
Why did it show static when I won!? I didn't understand... The mew apeared infront of me...
It said"you!! Wait the note on the tree stump didn't say that! I took out the note out of my pocket. I gasped,I read at the end it said'after you received your revenge you must lend
Your soul to the pokemon' in little words. I-i didn't want to lose my soul or LIFE! The mew stared at me.
Nonononono! I was crying, I didn't know what to do! I looked around for my pokeballs but then, I realized that the mew stole them! "Why are you doing this mew, I thought we were friends? I-isn't that what pokemon supose to do. Be friends with their trainer, what's wrong with you!! " the mew still stared at me
The it spoke in a broken voice" tha-ts no-t what, I am for people who dont care about their selfs,
Selfish people who just want to kill" I wipped my tears.i said"you just don't get it do you?, I was in pain for 2 years... all I saw was dead/fainted pokemon over and over again never felt the victory in 2 years." I yelled" I WAS IN PAIN FOR SO LONG!" The mew laughed without moving it's mouth. It said" tw-o yea-rs? I'-ve be-en i-n alo-ne a-nd i-n pai-n f-or ov-er 5-0 yea-rs. Once someone finds me, they use me then...I kill them...
I have to kill them! It's not like, oh im a creepypasta and I can be friends with you a human!? And I-
"I seen creepypasta's been friend's with some humans...I seen how happy they were or maybe sad but that human was always their for them" I smiled, then I put my hand out to the mew. You can accept or been alone. In the mew's mind ((should I do this, or just be an alone creepypasta... I will...)) the mew suprisingly took the paper in my other hand And tore it up. Then it took my hand and we walked out of the forest together. Then I stopped and asked" who wrote the on that piece of paper?" The mew looked at me and said "I don't know..." the next day today is the last day of school, what we did all day was play board games, electronics, ect. So I went home with the mew and took all my stuff home to from school. And me and the mew was battling other people and playing games and so much more!


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