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I love the gym, it's where I go after a tough case or if I'm having a rough morning. I can just punch out my frustrations on a punching bag or even run a few miles on a treadmill and feel better.

But as of recently, a new man had joined my local gym. He follows me around and immediately uses machines after I use them and whenever he does get the opportunity to talk to me, he always says something distasteful.

So, I've switched gyms. The new one is a bit further and I do have to take a different route to the office after but if I can get away from Mr. Creep anything is worth it. The new gym is also way better than my old one, it has shower stalls which I adore because I hate using the BAU showers.

I put my earbuds in and play my playlist as I walk into my gym. I write my name on the sign in sheet at the front counter of the gym and make my way to the locker room.

I open the locker and stuff my gym bag in it before I walk into the gym. I go over to the treadmill for a small warm up before I start using the other machines. I watch my form in the mirror as I run and in the reflection, I find none other than Aaron Hotchner walking towards me.

"Well who do we have here?" Hotch jokes as I turn my machine down and take out my earbuds. "What're you doing here? This isn't your usual gym."

"Hey, Hotch. I had no idea you go to the gym." I smile and I observes how he looks in the compression shirt he's wearing, which seems a size too small from how large his biceps are.

"Yeah, I do. Every day before work, makes me feel more motivated once I'm in the office. You didn't answer my question though.. what are you doing here?" His smile widens as he keeps talking to me and I can feel my body melt.

"Oh, some odd guy joined my usual gym and I thought it would be a good change of scenery to move here." I smile, keeping my pace on the treadmill.

"Odd guy? Did he try something?!" Aaron's voice wavers. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Hotch, seriously. I just needed to change gyms. Besides, this gym is way better than the other one. I finally don't have the grimy BAU ones- no offence."

"Oh, none taken, I can't disagree with you. I hate using the BAU showers as well, I prefer to use the ones here." Hotch laughs.

"Yeah, me too. It makes me feel refreshed and ready for a new day in the office." I smile.

"Well, I'll let you at it."

"I'll see you around Hotch." I smile as he walks away. God does he have a cute waist.

I turn up the speed on my treadmill again and resume my workout. After at least another 20 minutes, I get off the treadmill and make my way to the dumbbells while drinking my water.

I put my water to the side and start my workout by doing simple squats without any weights. And not too long after, I gradually start using dumbbells too.

It's almost 6 by the time I hit the showers of the gym and almost 7 by the time I get out too. I start rushing my clothes on and
practically sprint to my car so I can make it before traffic kicks in.

"In a hurry?" I hear Aaron say as I look for my car in the parking garage.

"We're gonna be late!" I groan as I keep searching.

"Here, why don't you drive in with me today? Being SSA gets you certain benefits and being late without consequence is one of them. We can come back after work to find your car." Aaron smiles and I eagerly nod.

Aaron nods his head towards the direction of his car and I follow him intently. He opens the door for me politely and closes it once I'm in the passenger seat.

He gets in the other side and buckles his seatbelt in. The car ride was sweet, our conversation ran easy as honey as we commented or rather laughed at things we saw on the way to the BAU.

Surprisingly, I was sort of disappointed when we reached the BAU. I don't want the car ride to end and I don't want this nice atmosphere between us go either. Aaron is often uptight once he reaches the office and at times we don't see eye to eye.

"Hey listen, if it isn't a bother for you. Do you think you could pick me up from my apartment when you go to the gym? I'm just not used to the area. If you can't it's fine, I know you have Jack." I find myself asking just before we get out of the car.

"I was just about to ask you actually. I drive by your apartment anyway on my way to the gym, there's a café nearby called Northwood and they make the best pre workout meals." He smiles.

"I'll have to try it sometime."

"I was actually hoping I could take you." He asked. "Tomorrow morning?"

"It's a date." I smile and I see his smile broaden, his small dimples becoming apparent.

"It's a date then." He smiles and gets out of the car. He waits for me to get out too before he locks it.

He holds the door to the building open for me a lets me the way, he does the small once we reach the elevator. We walk into the bullpen and the eyes of our colleagues pop when they see us come in together.

"You can leave your gym bag in my office if you want. I'm sure you usually leave it in your car." Aaron offers and I nod, following him up the small flight of stairs to his office.

I can see everyone peering through the blinds of Hotch's office as I set my bag in the corner of his office.

"Thanks again, Hotch."

"I'll see you tomorrow. Y/N." He gives me his chivalrous smile. "5:30 AM."

Aaron Hotchner ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now