The first time we talked

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We got dryed off and head back to school eventually we arrive and we agreed that i would take the van to fill it up with gas and get snacks then later we would have a sleep over since it's Friday we say our goodbyes and i was of i go to the best shop in town Grab n Go i get there and fill the van with gas i head into the shop "yo Pablo you here" i say "im here what do you need" he says behind the counter Abuela and him are some how best friends and that's how i got to know Pablo the guy how owns the best shop in town fuck town in the country honestly tho i think Pablo likes Abuela but that ain't my place to say "the usual" i answer "how are those friend's of yours ?" He asks "there good Abuela miss you" i say and Pablo blushes i smirk to myself "hey did you hear the rumor" Pablo asks "which one ?" I asks interested if this is one of Pablos fake rumor "apparently there is some kidnapper in town"He says "how do you know nobody has gone missing" i ask already convincing myself that this is one of his fake story "there have been attempts" he explains i start laughing he hands me the bags filled with snacks that could last us a month i pay and start heading towards the door "that's not the point just stay safe" he says "don't worry i will and you should call Abuela" i say and enter the van i start the car suddenly my phone starts buzzing i look at the contact it was my Father
Me:yes sir
Dad:I swear when we get home I'm going to kill you-
He keeps shouting throw the phone and i just hang up i really didn't care i drive back to school i get there and park i walk down the hallway seems like the assessment feel someone grabbe my arm i turn around to see it was My father he pulled me to some random class room and pins me against the wall
"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN! PEOPLE STARTED TALKING ALREADY" HE SHOUTS "i was just driving around town" i say a bit scared he slams me agenst the wall "DUMB BITCH KNOW YOUR TALKING BACK TO ME" "I-"and before i can get a word out he slaps me across the face "YOU LISTEN TO KNOW OKAY YOUR IM GOING TO GIVE YOU THE CAR KEYS AND YOU GET YOUR MOTHERS MAKEUP AND WHERE IT AND YOU'LL ACT AND LOOK PERFECT UNDERSTOOD" He threatens "Crystal clear" i say so dead and numb that i was shocked that came out of my mouth he lets me go he gives me the car keys and i go get the makeup i head into the restroom and i just look at my face the hand print was visible and already bruising i hear one of the stalls open ,out wakes a girl with brown curly hair her name is Hazel she used to go to the same physics class with me "Hi you okay" she asks "yeah im good" i answer "you sure your face has a huge bruise" she says "oh yeah i just feel down the stairs nothing big" i respond "you need help covering it?"she asked "ha yeah i kinda do" i respond she tell me to sit on the counter and for 6 minutes street she puts random shit on my face and when she finishes i look into the mirror and honestly i couldn't tell the difference between my skin and the makeup "wow your really good i owe you one" i say starting to walk to the exit of the restroom "anytime" she says we say our goodbye.I put the makeup bag back into the car and i start looking for my parents i found them eventually "There you are know when we walk throw those doors you are going to look and act perfect understand don't mess this up" my father says "yes sir" the second we walk throw those doors everyone started to seroused us asking questions taking pictures i see some kids whispering pointing towards me i felt like i couldn't breathe like i was dying i look towards my father he gave me that look that if i fuck this up that im done i would be killed by him right here right now so i ran out of there i just kept running until i was on the roof of the Music room i just sat on the edge of the roof i need to calm down or else I'm a goner fuck that im a dead girl walking right know shit! Then i hear a voice of boy "hello?" He say's "hi" i sight turning to him ,he seemed familiar "wait holy shit your the guy i bumped into this morning" i say "oh yeah! Well bumped into is a nice way of putting it" he jokes and sits next to me "yeah more like crash into" we both laughed he puts out a hand to shack mine "Robin" i take is hand "Naomi" i say "so what brings you to Denverd? new guy" I asked "how do you know I'm new in town" he say "because i know everything about this town" i say in confidence "if that's true tell me where do i live" he tests me "High tops denverd" i say smacking he had a look of shock on his face but then quickly changed his facial expression "lucky guess whats my address" he says confidently "*****high tops degrees you live with both of your parents you have a dog called Rocket you have a younger sister named Susi" i say i wiped that smerk off of his face "holy shit you might actually know everything about this town but how"he scratches the back of his head "a megishon never reveals there secrets" i say and from that point me and Robin talked for 2 hours straight laughing and getting to know eachother the only reason we stopped talking was because my phone started buzzing it was oli and the others "oh man i got to go or else the others are going to kill me" I say going down the sears "there your we have been looking for you every where" V says "sorry y'all i just lost crack of time"i laugh "let's deep before my parents see me" we got in the van and started are drive. But all i can think is about Robin

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