1. Chapter

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For my V.M., who never stopped believing in me, even after all these years, that I would return to writing, even if it's for a different story.


"I'm toasting to the three of us to have some great sex tonight!" Lyn and I burst out laughing, like two hormone-driven teenagers, what we deserved the attention of nearly the entire restaurant. One person in particular, our waiter, looked utterly shocked. Poor guy, I would never want to end up with El, the most respected food critic in New York, who restaurants call her to award them Michelin stars. Today, she is in this newly opened restaurant, facing a frightened student who is surely not doing this job out of his own belief.

When Eloise suggested that we should finally meet up, I didn't expect her to show up in heels which looked like two Eiffel Towers and a mini dress that many in this room would call 'inappropriate attire for this occasion.' They would be right; those dresses have already attracted a lot of glances, and some couples here are probably waited for a divorce soon. It's odd because the room is full of couples who must be celebrating at least their platinum wedding anniversaries. And then there's us, three girls nearing thirty.

After finishing our first glass of wine—which, I must note, is the best I've ever had—we began choosing our food. I had no idea what was written on the menu, as no one has taught me Italian yet, so I left it to our expert. She was frowning so intensely that I had to frown too, but I stopped myself immediately because it doesn't help with wrinkles.

El quickly closed the menu and flashed us her smile number five, which translates to her getting ready to test someone thoroughly, and raised her hand to call the waiter.

"Have you made your choices?" He appeared almost instantly, looking only at Eloise.

"Yes. For Naomi, bring the cavatelli with salsiccia. For Lyn, the cannelloni, but only with beef. Dessert will be tiramisu. And another bottle of Chianti," she smiled at him, handing back the empty bottle. When did we finish that?

"Excellent choice," I would almost believe he noted every word, including our names. "And for you?"

"Surprise me. That will be all for now," she said. He looked at her skeptically as El handed him the menu, signaling that he could leave.

The young man went to deliver our order while I watched him. I must admit, he had a great butt, but he didn't even have a stubble on hus chin yet. Since I don't play in that league anymore, I missed the beginning of the conversation.

"...so that's why I told him to choose for me," El finished, while Lyn held her forehead, and I couldn't tell if it was because she felt sick or because El's quirky ways were getting to her as usual.

"What are we talking about?"

"This El is starting with her tactics. Judging by the look on that poor man's face..." Lyn didn't even finish her sentence before she was interrupted.

"Boy! I wouldn't be surprised if he's not even eighteen," unfortunately, I wouldn't either. 

"So, a boy then," she quickly rolled her eyes to avoid being noticed. "I'm sure you can put on your coat so we can leave," she turned to me and started puting on her things.

"Again?" I gave her a dirty look. This was the third restaurant tonight, and I'm really too old to be picking something new again.

"It's not my fault that people gave those previous restaurants five stars without properly verifying."

"I think Google reviews, mind you, from regular people, are relevant, but I'll let you believe otherwise," I sighed, expecting an interruption, but none came. "Please, we are kindly asking you, can't you just enjoy this beautiful evening? Just for tonight? Tomorrow, feel free to ruin several establishments, but without our presence, okay?" I took another sip, and this glass was even better than the previous one.

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