MY GRASS!!!!!! 🤬🤬

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Daniel to Door stopper TF/TG/PMC (partial mind change)

Daniel was a 16 year old guy, who is currently being taken care of by his mom, after his dad had an unfortunate car accident. It had been 2 years since that happened.

In school, he was doing quite well, most of the time B+, and sometimes an A if he's lucky. So life was going pretty good for him in school.

But that was, until one fateful day. Daniel was in his room at his deck, currently studying on his homework. After being stuck for a while, he got up and went out to get a walk.

After a bit of walking, he heard...footsteps...which sounded like someone, or someTHING was following him. So he decided to pick up pace until they literally grabbed him by the back of his hoodie.

"Hello there Daniel!!!" Animatic happily greeted Daniel and then POP! They were both gone.

After Daniel woke up, he found himself in some sort of weird background. He noticed that the grass was a different tint, and that the bushes were a different color.

"What the?..." Daniel muttered before Animatic rushed up to him and shoved the phone in his face, then the screen would flash a white and gold color.

Dooniel would then fall back from pain, and then felt his legs slowly starting to get thinner and thinner while it also started to turn darker.

As his legs completely thinned out and were basically jet black, Doorsiel felt his arms going...numb...before he could comprehend what's currently happening, his arms just snapped themselves off of his torso as blood poured out.

As he screamed out in pain, he felt his hair falling out into clumsy as his torso started to change color and material as it slowly went a bit thinner.

After his torso turned into a golden part of a doorstopper, he felt his manhood shrivel up into nothingness. Even though he had no gender, he felt like a SHE.

Doorstopiel whimpered as her head shifted shape to look like the upper part of a doorstopper as it turned white and square-like. Her eyes would then turn into black little beads as her mouth simplified into a line. And that finished off Doorstopper's transformation.

"Agh...what th- WH-WHA?! M-MY VOICE! WHY DID YOU DO TO ME?!" Doorstopper screamed out as she noticed her different change of voice.

"Well you've been turned into an object, Doorstopper, but now you'll experience some new memories aaaaany second now!" Animatic happily responded.

"What are you talking abouAAAAAAGH!" Doorstopper yelled out in pain as she felt new memories being filled into her head.

She remembered competing in Object Fool before being eliminated, and when she was currently competing in Animatic Battle, she was on team DIET with the Happy Nice club.

She also remembered...her beautiful her beautiful grassy field...and she would PUNISH those who DARED to touch HER she really taught TOMATER a lesson he would never forget when he plucked HER grass...and even for the SECOND time! And then Golden Apple drew on HER grass!...

"GAH!...ugh...wh-what are these...memories?..." Doorstopper groaned in pain as Animatic just simply ran off, presumably to find new helpless victims to transform, leaving a helpless Doorstopper to deal with her false memories mixed with her old memories.


Yoshi Egg had finally reached to where Jenny had lived. She then went up to the door, knocked, and wait. When Jenny opened the door and looked at Yoshi Egg, she was...very confused as to why a literal egg from a video game is at her door. Jenny VERY reluctantly let Yoshi Egg in her house so she could tell her on what exactly happened, if Jenny can even comprehend what the hell happened.

Gina to Golden Apple TF/TG/MC

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