Chapter 8

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My hands had slowly succumbed to the feeling of numbness and tingles from how long I was lent on them during homeroom. Sighing to myself I sat up and tried my hardest to shake the tingles out of my hand when Vlad announced what we would be doing after break.

"Listen well class, after break I want you all in your hero costumes and to meet me at ground beta for some physical training. We will only be sparing but I want you to get accustomed to your hero costumes as soon as possible." And with that the bell went signalling that it was break time.

A hoard of students stampeded out of the classroom as they went to make the best of the break they were going to be getting before having to spar for the next lesson. With another sigh I plonked my head down onto my desk as thoughts flew around my head though non of them actually sticking. I was pulled from my spiral of thoughts by a light pat on the head, looking up at the person who had saved me from the randomness of my own mind with tired eyes I smiled softly and smirked a little. "Is there something I can help you with?" I asked the shaggy haired blonde stood in front of me with a soft smile. "I thought you were asleep, sorry." He mumbled and I chucked softly in reply while stretching. "Food?" I groaned out by accident which had also caught the other by surprise causing a blush to dust his cheeks and my own to. "H-huh?" He asked trying to ignore the heat rising to his face. I repeated myself and with that we left the classroom in hopes to find a vending machine to get something from. 

Upon my eyes catching site of the beloved vending machine that we had been looking for I sprinted almost full speed at the machine while fumbling about with my change as to fulfil my grumbling stomachs needs. With a huff my eyes scanned over the assortment of different treats that behold within the machine though when finalising my choice no time was wasted between me getting my money into that machine and grabbing the Green Tea Mochi I had selected. The sound of a light chuckle of besides my body caught my attention therefore bringing the memory of Honenuki fresh to mind as I remember that I had originally come with him on the adventure to locate the vending machine. 

With a closed eye smile the blonde spoke up, " You must have been hungry, huh?" He asks though more to himself than me as his eyes lock on my figure that was already devouring the sweet treat I had gotten my hands on. Honenuki's shoulders shook with his soft laughter that graced my ears, the softness of his laugh and the way his eyes squinted had momentarily brought my attention away from my snack in awe of the beauty radiating from this boy. As if the sun was trying to show me an angel, the soft rays of the sun grace his features in a soft hue casting  shadow on the opposing side making his look softer than ever before, the soft rhythm of my heart in my chest began to speed up as I took in his beauty as if he was a gift of nature. Following a soft sigh as he gains his breathing I forcefully tare my gaze from the boy before me while trying to tame the blush blazing across my cheeks. 

The sudden ring of the bell brings the both of us to actual time as if the whole scene that had happened had taken place within slow motion. "Come on, we should go get ready." Honenuki states with a soft smile gracing his features as he turns to leave as I stumble to keep up with the taller male. Walking along side each other to the classroom we fail to notice the presence of the people behind us just by a few steps. 

"(Y/N)!" A voice shouted while placing their hands of my shoulders. 

My body tensed up and a sudden screech slipped past my lips as I turn and swing a right hook with all my might only to feel my hand come in contact with a solid surface. A very solid surface. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" My words are cut off as my hand is immediately grabbed by the metal quirked boy stood in front of me with a worried look plastered across his face. "Shitshitshitshit." Tetsutetsu mumbled under his breath as he looked over my now bloody and swollen fist. "You have one hell of a swing on you (L/n)." Honenuki mumbles to himself in astonishment at what he had just witnessed. "Tetsuuuuu" I grumble while holding back my tears before a small hiccup escapes my throat. "I-It hurts!" I cry out while trying to pull my hand away from the guilt stricken boy. 

-3rd Pov- 

Little were the trio aware of the attention the scene had caused and caught the attention of others around them, including the attention of a small group of class 1-A consisting of Todoroki, Midoriya, Ochako and Iida. The small group immediately assessing the situation and then trying to help as much as they could. "U-um, Hey . . . are we able to help in any way?" The brunette asked softly while placing her hand lightly on the (h/c) girls shoulder while over looking the state of the girls fist only to grimace at the sight. "(L/n) you need to go and see Recovery Girl." Honenuki stated with a worry lacing his words. (Y/n)'s head immediately snaps in the direction of the dual quirked boy and before she could comprehend the thought before she did anything she had already grabbed his hand that resided by his side though on the same side as his white hair and place it on her swollen and slightly bloodied knuckle and took a sharp breath it at the contact but soon felt more then relief at the soothing feeling. 

The group of students watched in curiosity and confusion before worrying more as the (h/c) girl's body began to sway before her knees buckled beneath her. "Woah!" Tetsutetsu spoke up before reaching his arms out to catch the poor girl. "I'll take her to Recovery Girl." He muttered out while inspecting his friend's resting face with guilt lacing his face. 

"I'm sorry." He muttered softly while softly brushing a piece of hair from her face and when he was out of the eyesight of other people placed a soft kiss to her temple.


(1112 words)

I'm not really sure where this was going but I do hope you guys like it 

I have a few books that I have planned out already that just need to be written up though this book and my Megumi Fushiguro book are most important as of current please do comment and stuff and maybe give some ideas for future books! 

Hehe Tetsutetsu 😏

If y'all are watching the new episodes of MHA please tell me you also agree that this season Monoma has been given justice (ykyk??)
He will forever be my favourite character and that's just fax

Have a good day/night!!

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