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So continue from last part

So continue from last part

"Now let us continue where we were"he said & lean to kiss her neck

But she hold his shoulder "we should continue but the bath"

"Urgh princess but im fine"he said making puppy face she chuckle "baby just for some more time please for me" "i can't take risk love for your health"

He sigh & nodded as he know how stubborn & conscious she is for her health

Tejasswi smile & peak on her forehead & clean his body give him a good sponge bath

After that tejasswi make karan eat & let him take a nap but karan being karan he made tejasswi take nap with him while cuddling

......after 1 week....

"Love is it necessary you to go"karan asked while nuzzling on her neck

"Love i had already informed you 2 days ago"she said as she kept breakfast in table

"But how will i stay these long hours"he said still hugging her from back

"Karan you are absolutely become a  baby big baby"she said while chuckling

"Then keep this baby with you na"he said karan had become like a love sick puppy

"Can anyone believe that this clingy love sick baby is a mafia king"tejasswi said

"Only for you BABYGIRL"he said & kiss on nape & goosebumps erupt on her

While roaming his hand on her stomach

"Don't"tejasswi said

"Its been so long love...dont go let us make..."

"Please love i know but its really important"

"At least tell me where are u going"

"Love i promise i will be safe & will call you & im going with jia, & also max is coming with me"

"Yeah just msg me ok love"

"Yeah" & " you have to eat properly &  zain would be there in sometime so please take care of yourself & dont troublehim" tejasswi said as she know how baby he have become

"Yeah sweetiepie"he said & meanwhile zain come

"Teju ready to go" jia said as she enter with zain

"Bub take rest & bhai please take care of him"

"Yeah queen"he salute her & all laugh

Tejasswi hug karan & they left....

"Huh have to bear you"karan said looking at zain

"Yeah like ive to bear you" both laugh

Both had breakfast which teju prepare

"Im already missing her man"karan said as its already 3pm

Zain smile & attend the call "yeah will be there"

Karan look at him with questionable face

"King we have to go" "where" "that you will know when you will be reached there"

"Is my princess fine zain fucking tell me?"he groan in impatience

"King queen is fine" "just get ready"

"But"he didnt let karan said anything switch on a voice note "love im absolutely fine just i need you here please dont ask any question & wear what bhai gives you its important please for my sake"

"What i have to wear"he asked as he cant say no to his princess

Zain smile knowing that everything is in control now

Soon he get ready as always looking way to handsome & dashing numerous questions were going on in his mind but zain being zain tight lipped didn't say anything (swipe to see his outfit)

"AT Least tell me where we are going"

"Boss just keep quiet otherwise ill complain queen" zain said

"Fucking blackmailer"karan murmured

Soon they reached it was tejasswis dadu's mansion (swipe to see)

"Why are we here"

"Just come bhai"zain said & take him inside where everyone was ready looking beautiful his parents were also there tejasswi's dadu too

Karan bow in fornt of him & hug him & meet his parents he was hell confused whole mansion was beautifully decorated

"Is there going any party or function" "did i forget any date?"karan asked making lost face

She is inside with everyone lets go inside said karans mom & they gone inside everything was looking beautiful looking dreamy

There were guests body guards security...every important person was there some meet him talk with him but his eyes were looking for his peace his princess his candy

"Dadu where is teju?"karan asked & he's dadu point towards stairs he looked back there she coming wearing a beautiful white wedding gown in vail...

Karan was frozen in his place his breathe stop like he forget to breathe he was looking at her without blinking

He's eyes were teary he's dream is in fornt of him

Tejasswi come both had tears seeing their precious one in wedding outfit

Karan was mesmerized by her charms..tejasswi....
Your overthinker writer

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