Shared moments

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The room felt heavy with silence, the only sound that could be heard is from the sound of the soft rustle of pages from the book in my hand. It's my first day back at nevermore since that night, everything looks the same but it doesn't feel the same. Usually walking into this dorm I would find comfort, come here to seek some peace and quiet but now, the only thing I could think of is how much u wish it wasn't so quiet.

I have been here for exactly 2 hours and 34 minutes. I have unpacked all my bags and put everything back into its place. I haven't seen Enid yet, all her things are here but she isn't, that explains the silence.

Leaving my book behind, I stepped out onto the balcony, greeted by the embrace of the afternoon sun. I made my way to the railing, gazing down at the quad below, where it all happened.

The memories of the prior semester flooded back to me. I could see the battle, feeling the weight of crackstones presence bearing down on me. The memory of being pinned down, air squeezed from my lungs, was clear as if it just happened moments ago.

And then there was the crypt, a place haunted by the memory of laurel and crackstone. The memory of being stabbed and almost dying. I traced the scar on my skin, a reminder of the pain and fear that still lingers inside me, a permanent reminder of my weakness.

After a few minutes of observing the people below me, I decided to head back inside. Just as I stepped into the room, the main door swung open, revealing a burst of color in the form of Enid. Our eyes meet and for a moment, either of us said anything.

"Hello, Wednesday," Enid finally broke the silence, her smile warm and inviting as she took a step forward, arms outstretched in an offering of a hug. I hesitated for a moment, instinctively recoiling at the idea of physical contact. I'm not a hugger and I will never be one.

"Still not a hugger, I got it," Enid said, her smile unwavering. "How are you doing?" she asked, genuine concern coloring her words.

How was I doing? It was a question no one had bothered to ask me before. "I'm good, you?" I replied, keeping my answer short and to the point.

"I'm great," Enid began, launching into a rant about her time with Ajax, her boyfriend. As she spoke, I felt a strange twist in my stomach, a feeling I couldn't quite place. Why did hearing about her boyfriend make me feel this way?

After Enid's enthusiastic recount of her time with Ajax, I found myself at a loss for words. It wasn't that I didn't care about her happiness, but something about hearing her talk about her boyfriend stirred up a mix of emotions I couldn't quite decipher.

As Enid continued to chatter away, I struggled to keep my focus, my mind drifting to the events of the past few weeks. The battle against Joseph Crackstone, the scars it left behind, both physical and emotional, weighed heavily on my mind.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely registered Enid's voice as she paused, waiting for a response. I shook myself out of my reverie, forcing a small smile. "I'm glad you had a good time with Ajax," I said, the words feeling hollow even to my own ears.

Enid's smile faltered slightly, her eyes searching mine for something I couldn't quite identify. "Are you sure you're okay, Wednesday?" she asked, her voice soft with concern.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to answer. The truth was, I didn't know if I was okay. The events of the past few weeks had left me feeling raw and exposed, like a wound that refused to heal.

But I couldn't burden Enid with my troubles, not when she seemed so genuinely happy. So I plastered on a fake smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired," I replied, hoping she would drop the subject.

Enid didn't look convinced, but she nodded, accepting my answer for now. "Well, if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you," she said, her voice gentle and reassuring.

I forced myself to return her smile, grateful for her offer of support.

After our brief exchange, Enid seemed to sense my need for space and let the conversation drop. She busied herself with arranging a few personal items on her side of the room, and I took the opportunity to pull out a sketchbook from my bag, hoping to lose myself in the familiar comfort of drawing.

As I flipped through the pages, pencil in hand, Enid's mention of Ajax continued to linger in the back of my mind. It wasn't jealousy that gnawed at me, but rather a sense of unease I couldn't quite pinpoint. I found myself drawing aimlessly, lines and shapes taking form under my hand as I tried to distract myself from the swirling thoughts.

Enid hummed softly to herself as she organized a stack of books on her desk, her presence a calming presence in the otherwise quiet room. I stole a glance at her now and then, marveling at how effortlessly she seemed to navigate the aftermath of our recent ordeal.

After a while, Enid turned to me with a small, tentative smile. "Hey, Wednesday, do you want to join me for dinner later? They're serving that lasagna you like."

I hesitated for a moment, caught off guard by her invitation. Normally, I preferred to eat alone, but something about the sincerity in Enid's voice made me reconsider. "Um, sure," I replied quietly, surprising even myself with the answer.

Enid's smile widened, a spark of warmth lighting up her eyes. "Great! It'll be nice to catch up outside of all the chaos," she said, her enthusiasm contagious.

As the evening approached and we made our way to the cafeteria together, I found myself relaxing in Enid's company. We talked about everything and nothing, sharing stories and laughter that eased the lingering tension in my chest. For a moment, it felt like the weight of the world had lifted, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and understanding.

By the time we returned to our dorm room that night, I felt a subtle shift within me. Maybe, just maybe, with Enid's friendship and support, I could begin to navigate the complexities of my emotions and find a way forward in the aftermath of everything we had endured.

First chapter! I hope you liked it 1100 words!

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