Chapter 29: Brett and E's Talk

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Me, N and V fly back to the pod and when we enter, I go into my lab to grab something. I look around in my lab until I found my light spear and I grab it and remember all the fun times I and with Brett like when we pranked T and me, Brett and T spying on the girls only sleepover on the mothership and when we first became friends back at the manor!

Flashback, Elliot manor

Eshan's POV

I just finished washing the dishes for the Elliot family and I then leave the kitchen to talk to my friend Tommy until I see Brett, by himself looking kind of down, so I decide to talk to him.

Eshan: Yo Brett, you look down, want to talk about it?

Brett: (sigh) It's just... I feel like I don't belong, I grew working in a farm for humans until one day I escaped and ended up here and I just feel like I don't belong in this family, like I think Tessa's parents hate me!

Eshan: Tessa's parents hate all of us drones here but this is your home, of course you belong. Don't let anyone make you feel you don't belong.

Brett: I really needed that, thanks.

Eshan: No problem and you wanna be friends?

Brett: Sure!

Eshan: Sweet, hey come on, were going to see Tommy.

Brett: Okay

We both walk to Tessa's room to see Tommy

end of flashback


I start to cry a tiny bit but I held it in and gripped my spear even tighter until I start to feel weird, I feel like me and this golden spear are being connected until I feel a little different so I look in my mirror in my lab to see that I have a golden aura and golden eyes.

E: Woah, do I have a second form now?

I then run outside to notice that I'm a lot faster now like way faster and I accidently shot a beam of light energy from my spear and I then turned into pure light and flew to a car and destroyed it into seconds. I then change from pure light to my regular self with landing on the snow and I say

E: SICK! I'll call my second form... bright E, no Light E... no uhh, how about Awakened E, yeah, Awakened E sounds good.

E then changed back to his first form and put his spear in Hammer space and flew to find Brett

Brett's POV

I fly some where random in Copper-9 and sit at the ledge of a random building to process what has been happening.

Brett's mind: I can't believe N and V would do that to my dead Worker Drone parents.

I just sit there, feeling depressed and a little lonely. Just then, I notice a figure coming towards me and then I realized, it was E! E then land beside me and sits down.

E: You doing okay?

Brett: Of course not, I just figured out N and V killed my Worker Drone parents and I miss them.

E: Hey, remember your not the only one who lost parents.

Brett: Oh yeah, R and I.

E: Yep, I needed so much therapy a coping just to move on and I miss them too.

Brett: R and I were my squad mates with your father being the leader of the original squad Delta.

E: Yeah, but do you remember the time where me, you and T were spying on the girls during their girls only sleepover on the mothership?

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