Chapter 7: Earth... is Gone?!

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In the bridge, Aiden, J, & all the Genysis Drones stationed here are staring at the screen in shock & horror because what they're staring at is about Earth, which is now....

In the bridge, Aiden, J, & all the Genysis Drones stationed here are staring at the screen in shock & horror because what they're staring at is about Earth, which is now

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J: (in horror) so.... Earth has been destroyed?

Everyone was still silent in horror, not giving J any words on what to say to answer her question, then Aiden stared at Kai as he had a question that needed to be answered

Aiden: Kai, when did Earth get destroyed?

Kai stopped being horrified as he checked on the date to see when the Earth was blown up, then he saw the year

Kai: the satellite says that Earth got destroyed around 10 years ago.

Aiden & J were even more scared at hearing when Earth got destroyed, then Aiden sighed at knowing what he must do once he gets back down to Copper 9

Aiden: I think we need to tell Uzi & her colony about this horrific revelation.

J: same thing with me telling the other Disassembly drone teams about Earth's fate.

Aiden & the other Genysis Drones stared at her in surprise

J: what? My team isn't the only one here, alright.





Aiden & the Genysis Drones shrug their shoulders

Kai: can't argue with that.

(French Voice: Later)

Hours later, we see V, N & Uzi standing around in the spire, waiting for Aiden to get back and hopefully J as well if their Genysis Drone friend gives her a second chance. But then, N hears something coming from outside

N: huh?

V & Uzi gain attention as they stare at N

V: what is it, N?

N: .... I hear something coming from outside.

V & Uzi widened their eyes and then narrowed them down, but before V could get up, Uzi aimed her Railgun at V and glared at her

Uzi: YOU, STAY!!!!

She then lowered her railgun as she and N run out of the pod, making V pout with a mad look as she crossed her arms


As N & Uzi run outside and before they could fire their weapons, they see that what N heard was just one of the Gunships that Aiden used to arrive on the planet and see Aiden, J, and some Genysis Drones stepping off the spacecraft while the pilot remained in his seat

N: oh hey, Aiden. Hi J.

J remained silent, not greeting N back as he then started to have a worried look while Uzi glared at her and stared at Aiden

Uzi: so, what'd you do to J, Aiden?

Aiden cringed and rubbed the back of his head

Aiden: nothing much, I just interrogated her, that's all.

N: but why is she all silent when you arrived?

Aiden & J looked at each other nervously, then looked back at N & Uzi

Aiden: well, Uzi, remember when you said that you're planning on going to earth to, quote and quote, ''Murder all Humans''. Even though me and half of the ark's crew used to be humans, right?

Uzi nodded

Uzi: yeah, I said that. Why do you ask?

Then a male & female Genysis drone couple approached the group & Uzi

A Male Genysis Drone named Ren and a female Genysis Drone named Nora, who are both having fearful & nervous looks at not knowing how Uzi & N would react after they tell them about Earth being gone

Ren: well, about Earth. Back on the Ark, we just found out that it kinda, sort of-

And then...

Nora: Blew up.

Uzi & N were shocked beyond comprehension at knowing this, but then Uzi grew a stern look at not buying what they said

Uzi: I'm not falling for that.

Aiden then turned his relay hand on and showed her and N the screenshot of Earth's destruction, making Uzi gasp in shock as N fainted on the ground, but then suddenly...

V started screaming like that woman from Monsters VS Aliens

Everyone, even N after he woke up, turned and stared at V

Ren: how long have you been standing there?

V: Not long, I ran here after I overheard what you two said about Earth being blown up.

Uzi: I just—I just can't believe it. (looks at Aiden) when did this even happen?

Aiden: (crosses arms) about a decade ago.

Uzi sat down with a look of horror & disbelief at knowing this, then N went behind her and started petting her head, but she swatted his hand away while having that horrified look and turned to Aiden again

Uzi: what are you gonna do now?

Aiden: me and my group plan on telling your colony about this while J, V & N tell the other murder drones scattered all over Copper 9 about Earth's destruction.

J: He's right, we discussed it and we agreed on it. And since Aiden installed that cooling system before we went to his Ark, I asked him that he's willing to put more cooling systems in the other disassembly drones and he said he will.

Aiden: She's right. Honestly, we have a LOT of spare cooling system cores on the Ark.






Uzi: okay?

V then approached them as she placed her hands on her thicc thighs

V: so, are we going to tell the colony & the other teams now or what?

Then J grew a stern look on her face as she stared at V

J: we're going to have to tell them immediately.


everyone turned and saw that it was the pilot who played that sound effect

Genysis Drone Pilot: (deadpan) well, someone had to do it.

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