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A bright light. A loud thud, which echoed throughout the entirety of the area... And then

My eyes opened

I woke up in my bed as usual, but something seemed off. With a strange feeling in my stomach that seemingly ate away at my emotions - screaming, warning me- I look towards the window. Another bright light, followed by another loud and echoing thud: a storm. Yet the storm wasn't what bothered me...

The longer I looked, the clearer it became. Eyes. Eyes. Eyes.
Eyes everywhere: in the trees, in the corners. In every creek in all the shadows. Yellow wide stapled eyes staring right at me. I was terrified. The longer I looked, the clearer it became. And the more horrific it was to see. The large trees outside my window seemed to be moving. Ever so slowly rocking the house I lived in back and forth. One set of eyes that was in the middle of the window belonging to a creature having a wicked, disgusting grin spread across its face. It all seemed so surreal. Like a nightmare. It didn't feel real but I knew that I was awake. I wasn't dreaming. My skin turned cold and I was shaking and sweating. My pulse and breathing rapidly speeding up, I tightly squeezed my legs to my chest and closed my eyes hoping these terrifying eyes would disappear. Hoping everything would be okay.

Tears ran down my face and I screamed. The sound of it mixing with the thunder. Soon after my mother rushed in "Crimson! Are you okay? What happened?". Her panic filled eyes stared at my crying face as she bursted into my room that night. But..

When I told her what I saw.. I never got to hear those words. Her facial contortion changed. It was no longer concern. She didn't have that expression of kindness or worry anymore. Instead she looked at me with disappointment.

I was 7 years old when this happened.

Now I hope things will be different. I beg them to be different. I beg for things to get better. Please, let it be different.

It was the first time I experienced a reality distortion.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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