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                          •Akari Davidson

"Mommy!" Rosa yelled

I got up from the couch and made my way to her playroom. I poked my head inside and saw her smiling at her finished lego set. I smiled back and made my way inside the room.

"You finished it, huh sweetheart?" I asked

She mentioned for me to come closer and so I stepped closer to her, dropping down to her level. She handed me a lego and pointed to the top.

"It's not done yet! You gotta put that up there." She giggled

I couldn't help but wonder why she didn't just do it herself. I softly chuckled and instead of saying something, I lifted up and placed the lego in its place up top.

Before she could say anything, we both heard the front door opened. She looked up at me with a joyful expression. She got up and ran towards the door. I sighed and got up, making my way out of her playroom.

My mother was now the only one that had a key to this house. Although, she still thinks it's her father coming home even though I told her where he really is. I couldn't lie to her, she had to know.

I made my way to the living room and immediately spotted Yena giving Rosa yet, another stuffed animal. When she had it in her hand, she turned towards my mother and hugged her leg.

She picked her up and held her on her hip. I softly chuckled at the sight and as soon as I did, Yena's eyes dart towards mine. Her expression was hard to read, almost as if she was closing herself off from me.

I lowly hummed and offered her a small smile. She returned it but, I saw it didn't reach her eyes. There was something wrong, I'll have to ask about it when we're alone.

I made my way towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I was surprised to see the shock on her face, hopefully the shock is because my mother is here and not because I'm touching her.

I heard my mother clear her throat and I turned my head to look up at her. I could see the unspoken words swirling in her eyes. I lowly sighed and detached myself from yena.

"Good morning, Mama. May I ask what brings you over here?" I spoke

She narrowed her eyes and I knew i shouldn't have add that last part. I felt yena's arm wrap around my waist and I was thankful to know, that the shock wasn't because I touched her but, because of my mother.

"I was coming over to invite you and my grandbaby to a family gathering but, I saw this lovely woman walking up your porch when i arrived and now I'm here to know who she is." She responded

I lowly groaned. This was one of the many reasons why I didn't want her meeting my mother. It was the same with Cass when she first ran into him.

"This is Elysian, my girlfriend." I stated

My mother held out her hand and before I could look up at yen, she had already grabbed her hand and shook it. I blew a small breath and smiled softly.

"Do you happen to have a last name, Elysian?" She asked

I wanted to say something about her intimidating tone but, I knew things could take a turn for the worst if I were to speak up now. I held my tongue and allowed things to play out.

"It's Monroe, Mrs.Davidson." She admitted

My mom dropped her hand and turned her eyes towards me. I wasn't sure what this look meant which, wasn't good considering, I knew all of her looks.

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