Episode 225

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Espiode 220-224 will be skiped. I'm not writing them losing their memories and then getting them back. But you have to appreciate how much Nmai has changed

Vice Admiral: I know that already, you imbecile!  I'm asking you where the hell he went!
Mar A: Since his bicycle is missing too, he probably wants to sea.
Vice A: Contact the Five Elder Starts!
Mar A: Sir!
Aokiji: pardon me. Coming through.
Five Elder Star A: We should expect this sort of thing by now. He's likely just sightseeing again.
Five E S B: Be that way it may, don't you think he should show a bit more respect for his position? We can't have him wandering about whenever he sees fit.
Five E S C: Admiral Aokiji was one of Navy Headquarters' ultimate powerhouse, after all.
Aokiji: Can't say I'm surprised to see a bounty on these kid's heads. Their whole family's full of troublemakers.
Usopp: Hey Captain stop fooling around and land me a hand for a second!
Luffy: Whoa! Now that's what I call a tidal wave! Ooh, scary
Robin: Looks like he's having fun.
Nami: Tell me about it I bet he'll be laughing even if the ship gets capsized.
Stella: That's luffy for you.
Zoro: Forgot that we need to worry about that mast snapping before anything else.
Chopper: It can really break! Then what's gonna happen to us?
Sanji: Don't get so worked up. Even if the mask does end up breaking that still doesn't mean the ship sank. And we've got a navigator, don't we? She's smart and cute enough to get us out of any storm.
Nami gave them a thumbs-up
Chopper smile.
Porche: We need to worry about the mast snapping before anything else!
Ham: I can really break? Then what's gonna happen to us?!
Foxy: Don't get so worked up! Even if the mast does end up breaking that still doesn't mean the ship'll sink!
Sanji: Huh?
Luffy: Hey! How's it going? Long time no see!
Stella: Don't don't talk to him
Porche: Oh wow, look, it's straw Hat! Bandana Scarf
Both: Hey! Hey!
Foxy: I won't stand for this, Straw Hat!  Don't even look at us! We haven't sunken so low that we'd beg for help from one of our sworn enemies!
Stella: Okay sink for all I care. Nami how is it looking?
Foxy: Wait! But if you want to help us, we're okay with that, you know!
It started to rain
Ham: Hey, Boss, behind you!
There was a huge wave coming at them
Foxy: Nothing to be afraid of! Slow-slow Beam!  It only worked on one half of the wave.
Ham: We're going to die!
Stella is not heartless but after what she's been through once something like that happened she truly lost hope for that person it will take a lot of convincing for Stella to forgive someone
Usopp: Whoa that looks pretty bad.
Nami: A tiny boat like that won't stand a chance in this weather!
Stella: So
Luffy: Hold on! I got it! Here grab this!
He stretched his arm with rope with him. But they all grabbed his arm
Luffy! No! I mean grab the rope, not my arm, you dummy!
Stella: Luffy! She grabbed onto him
They were able to save them as their little boat got crushed.
They were all inside the tree of them had blankets on them.
Everyone just stared while Stella had a serious face
Foxy: Well, this is all that's left of me My crew is gone the sexy Foxy is gone, and now I don't even have a ship to sail with. This is the end of the Silver Fox. I might as well face the music. I'm a fool It would've been better for everyone if I'd just let myself sink to the bottom of the ocean!
Ham: Boss, no!
Usopp: So you think he's faking it, or what?
Nami: In my expert opinion, I'd say yes.
Stella: Well what he said was nothing the truth.
Foxy: Take pity on me--at this point, I have nowhere to go and no one else to turn to! Let me stay on your ship. I'm begging you.
Luffy: Sure why not? You don't have your own, and you gotta go somewhere.
Stella pinches his cheek I can't even stay mad at this cute face. I hope you know what you're doing
Luffy: yeah.
Sanji: Here, have a little soup. We wouldn't want you catching a cold.
Porche: Wow! That looks great! I think I'll share some with Choppy!
Luffy: Hey Sanji, me too!
Sanji: This is all I have left. I'll cook you some more tomorrow.
Foxy just looked at it.
Something wrong? You can help yourself.
Foxy: What are you trying to pull? It's not really soup if there's nothing in it.
Usopp had to hold sanji back
How about I put you in the soup?  Would you like that? Huh!? You ingrate!
Usopp: Foxy! Apologize befere he muders you! Quick!
Foxy: No! There was a loud bang scaring even Zoro.
They saw that it was Stella's hand on the table.
Stella: You're going to eat Sanji Suop or so help me I swear to the Gods that you will be overboard this ship so fast you won't be able to see your slow-slow beam on the water to stop your or use it ever again. Zoro complains but he actually eats it.
Foxy was scared that he ate the soup so fast he almost choked.
Don't you ever disrespect Sanji's food again?
Sanji: Oh Stella-sama cares about my food.
Porche was looking for Chopper when she found their treasure. She went past Chopper only because he was in Reindeer form.
Ham: Huh? Where's Boss?
Foxy: They don't honestly expect me to fish, do they that's not how you treat a guest! Besides, if I want something to eat, I can grab one of these oranges. He ended up grabbing Nami's hair
[Sounds of fighting]
Luffy: Shoulda figured.
Ham: It can't be! Boss! I see the Sexy Foxy! Foxy was beaten up.
Wait what
Ham: Ahoy! Ahoy!
Usopp: Does that mean you're getting off our ship?
Foxy Pirates: Ahoy
Sanji: Did somebody say they were leaving?
Group: Ahoy!
There was a ladder between the ship
Chopper: Sodium.
Robin: Hydrogen phosphate
Chopper: Is she still looking for me
Robin: No, they all went back to their old ship.
Porche: you guys, even after we were separated you still couldn't forget about your old boss!
Foxy: Oh, I see, I see. Well, you can all come back to the Foxy Pirates now, there's no need to cry.
Now that everyone's together again, it'll be just like old times!
Man: I hate to break it to you foxy, but I'm afraid that's not possible!
Foxy: Says who don't make me throw you off my ship
Man: Your ship. This ship belongs to the Fang-Frog pirates now! In other words, these men are my underlying, not yours.
Zoro: Who are the Fang-Frog pirates
Stella; They're those pirates we ran into who lost half of their pirates in Davy Fight.
Usopp: But this time. Foxy's the one who lost all his stuff to them.
Luffy: Wow, that must suck for a split head.
Stella: That's what he gets for acting like the strongest.
Zoro: I have to agree with Stella. That's what he gets for winning all his crew members from some stupid game.
Foxy: I'll pass on the tearful farewell, thank you. C'mon, let's go. We're done here.
Man: Not so fast. We still have some business to settle. You see some of these new recruits of mine are still a bit attached to their former boss.
Foxy: A captain had to earn the respect of his crew, you know it doesn't come free.
Usopp: Whoa is it me or is Foxy kinda cool all of a sudden?
Luffy: He's okay for a split-head
Stella: Oh please he wasn't thinking about that he took all of those people and forced them to pledge their loyalty to him when they lost a fight.
Man: Respect you say? Well, in the world of pirates, the weak do tend to flock to the strong, don't they? In that case, if I want them to their sense all I have to do is defeat their old boss in a fight. I challenge you Sliver Fox, Foxy!
Foxy: You want to fight me again, do you? I'll beat you as many times as it takes.
Usopp: Oh he's gonna challenge him
Luffy: Hey! Come over here and check this out, quick! Split-Head on fir over here.
Sanji: He's on fire.
Nami: That sounds dangers
Porche: I'm not so sure.
Foxy:Have a little more faith in your captain. Porche. You should be happy.
We'll have our old ship and our old crew back in no time!
Now why don't we make this official? I'll show you what a real captain is made of. He took out his gun
You wanted to prove that you were stronger than me? Then why don't we start this one off with a little duel? Strictly between us captains of course.  I trust you have no objection to that
Nami: He's pretty confident, isn't he?
Usopp: If I had those powers I would be too.
Luffy: You think he's going to use them?
Stella: Yeah what else would he do?
Foxy: Here I come! Slow-Slow Beam!
He used it but people used their swords to reflect the beam
Stella laughs. They learned that from me
Man: Now's your chance, men! Take him out! They all went to punch him
Man: Not so funny when you're the one affected by it
Ham: He used his weapon on the men only to drop it when The man Had Porche had a knife to her neck.
The two men were down.
Man: There! What do you think of your old boss now? Pretty pathetic. Only a fool would stay loyal to a captain like him!
Luffy: What's wrong with you that was supposed to be a duel, between captains you big cheater!
Man: You don't know anything, kid! It's true that Foxy challenged me to a duel but I never said I accepted!
That's a lie you challenged him first.
Luffy: That jerk's asking for it.
Zoro: Clam down Luffy. It's up to Foxy to win this fight on his own. Butting in won't do anything good.
Foxy: The swordsman right? Just sit back and watch Straw Hat. I'll put my pride on the line, and show you what the Sliver Fox cab really does! Whoa! Check out that thing up there!
He was blown by a cannon for his small trick that didn't work.
Chopper: I wonder if they're having a party up there. Maybe I should go up there and check it out.
Robin: I thought you wanted to play games with me but if you rather have that gitl chase you around, that's fine.
Chopper: No! I just wish Stella was playing with us.
Robin: Yeah!
A man went to check on Foxy when he fell down by the Man's whip.
Man: Stop Right there. I'll teach you who's the captain around here even if it kills you!
Foxy: Hey. I thought you were only supposed to use weapons on your enemies. Doesn't make sense to turn them on your men, if you ask me. If you think you can rule with a bunch of violence but a bully bossing around a bunch of thugs. It takes a hell of and lot more than that to be the captain of a ship. You better just give it up. Give up on my ship and crew,to cause as long as I'm here I'll fight for them with all the power I've got!
Man: Shut up. He whips him
Luffy: Hey, Split-Head! Hang in there! It's noy ovet yet! Come on
Foxy: Oh, it's you Straw Hat. I guess that was pretty pathetic, wasn't it? But say would you do a favor,jut this once? Here. He gave him a Afro.
I want you to have this. The match of me and your sister that I lost, she wass looking at this.
Luffy threw hat for Stella to catch it
Sanji: No, is that.
Luffy: Leave everyhting to me. I'm gomna get your groove back, fox Man.
I'm your opponent now! But I'll warn yoy, Fang-Frog Pirates  this Afro don't take no prisners.
Man: Now Hold on a second, this has nothing to do with you.
Luffy: It does not.
Man: Well too bad because I don't want to fight a guy with a 100-million-bery bounty on his head. I got too much to lose and nothing yo gain.
Foxy: How stupid can you be? If you win, that bounty will be yours and that in addition to the 105 million berries your ger from the sister and 60 million berries you'll get from the swords man. Now let me share a secreat with you I've been on Straw Hat's ship. And he's got a whope mountain of gold tucked away in there. Needless to say, I'm sure that's worth quite a bit.
You're pirates aren't you? Then grab that booty!
Nami: That's what we get for letting then stay on our ship!
Stella: I knew we should have left tyem to sink we wouldn't be in this mess.
Zoro: Why's he bragging? It's not his treasure.
Stella whispers in Nami's ears. We better check, make sure nothing is missing.
Man: Prepare the cannons were taking out Straw Hat.
Luffy was able to push the cannon back to them.
Sanji: That looks like fun.
Usopp: yeah
Stella: He better hope Luffy is okay
Nami: Go on, I know you want to-Ah!
Zoro pushed her out of the way.
Man: Hand over the gold nice an--
Zoro Kicks him. The whole crew,huh? What a pain...
Man: Ha! You think you can beat all 500 of us? Get them, men!
All: What? We can't hear you!
Luffy: Well that looks bad. I guess It's just you and me, huh.
Man: Hey check up there.
Luffy: Huh? Hey! You tricked me! He was dragged by Stella
Come on.
Nami: Go easy on those loseers. We don't want to kill them. Not everyone has supper human strength like you two.
Stella: Oh come on it's harmless fun.
The man was swinging  his whip at the siblings.
Luffy: Gum-Gun whi--Aahh! He gets the whip stuch on his leg.
Gum-Gum... the man was running away pistol!
After all that the group came together.
Foxy: That was splendid Straw Hat simply marvelous. I have to admit, couldn't have done it better myself.
Luffy: What can I say I owe it all to your passion, brother.
Foxy: There's just one more thing I want to tell you.
Luffy: No worries. You and I are friends you don't have to thank me.
He held out his hand to shake it.
Slow-Slow Beam
Porche: That's our boss for you! You should've learned your lesson by now, Straw Hat! Everyone knows that the Foxy Crew never forget a grudge and he always gets what he wants.
Your fate was slead the moment you set foot on this ship! Did you think would take That humiliation defeat sitting down. 265 million berries and a nice pile of gold mighy help, though.
All: You idiot! Not even a rematch can settle it.
They all fell down.
Foxy: This time you won't get away. Laughs.

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