the blossom.^^

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Obanai had came to the butterfly mansion. he was injured due to a lowermoon attack, he walked around looking for shinobu then he noticed giyuu looking at him but he ignored it since he thought giyuu was a low life person obanai yelled out to shinobu as he said "oi shinobu can i get some treatment for my wound?." Shinobu looked at obanai and replied with "yes of course!" shinobu walked over to obanai and treated his wound. after a while obanai was bandaged up he went over to his house until he saw a note near the door, he opened it and it said "dear obanai I want you to meet at the cherry blossoms park at 12-30 tommorow.." obanai looked annoyed but he planned on going but he was tired so he rested. After getting some rest it was the day giyuu wanted to meet obanai, obanai went over to the cherry blossoms park as he walked he saw giyuu with a nervous look obaapnai thought to himself "what a weirdo.." he walked over to giyuu and said "what do you want now you better not have wasted my time.." giyuu looked at obanai and sighed before saying his words "I like you obanai.. I liked you for so long I hid my feelings because I didn't know how to explain to you.. I know you may not like me but still I really want you to be mine.." obanais eyes widened as he felt his heart skip a beat he thought to himself am I gay?! No no I'm straight but giyuu.. just.. before he knew it he said "I like you too giyuu!" Giyuu eyes widened as he smiled before kissing obanai on his lips softly, obanai looked happy and deepened the kiss it lasted for a 10 second time it was the best moment of giyuu and obanais life "I love you.." said giyuu smiling widely *obanai said he loved giyuu too and after a while they made there love public, Everyone was shocked but they were happy for giyuu and obanai. After years giyuu and obanai got married and adopted a kid named yuzuki which ment gentle moon.. yuzuki had beautiful features her blue ocean like eyes that matched giyuu and her shiny black hair that looked like obanais.. after years yuzuki grew up and had kids making a family generation that lasted for hundreds of years.. ♡°•the end dear giyuuoba fans!•°♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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