Part 1

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     "Emily!" my brother, William, shouted. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"
     I opened my eyes and stared at him for a second. I rolled over and grabbed my phone and glasses off the nightstand and checked the time. 9:30 am.
     "Willie," that's what I call him, "Why the hell are you waking me up at the crack of dawn?" I mutter half asleep still.
     "It's your birthday and me and daddy have a surprise for you!" he bounces up and down almost like he's about to explode of joy. "Get up! Get dressed! Meet me and daddy in his room asap."
     "Alright alright. Get out let me get dressed." He leaves and I start to dress myself. I put on my Bars And Melody shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans. I walk into my dad's room and both him and my brother are sitting on the bed bouncing off the walls. "Is this some sort of intervention? Because I wasn't under the impression that I needed one."
     "No no no. None of that." My dad says as he tosses an envelope in front me, "Open the envelope and you'll understand why you had to get dressed asap." I look at the envelope with curiosity.
     I pick up the envelope and open it. Inside there's a card that says happy birthday but it's also got a picture of Bars And Melody on it. When I open the card and 2 concert tickets fall out, I immediately lose my breath. "Is this what I think it is?" I ask in disbelief.  
     My dad and my brother both nod their heads vigorously. "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Are you fucking serious? This is real? I'm going to see Bars And Melody live in concert?" I exclaim.
      "Do you like it?" my brother asks.
      "Do I like it? Is that even a question? I absolutely love it! Whose idea was it to get me tickets?" I ask curiously.
      "It was your brothers idea." my dad responds.
      "Thank you Willie! I'll love you forever and ever!" I say. "When are tickets for?"
      "Tonight! At 6:30 pm in Columbia so get ready because we'll have to leave early to get there on time!" My dad informs.
      "You got it! I'll be ready!" I squeal.
      This is going to be the best birthday ever! I'm going to see Bars And Melody live in concert!

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