Part 2

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We got in the car and drove the 2 hours to Columbia for the concert. When we got there, I found out our seats were in the front row so I had a chance to be noticed by Leo!
We got into the venue and took our seats and chatted while waiting for the concert to start.
     "This has got to be the best birthday present I've ever gotten!" I said while sporting a smile so big it might've ripped my face in two. Little did I know, this was only the start.
     When the concert started I silenced my phone and took out the camera my grandma gave me a few months back. I set the camera up on the arm of the chair at an angle where it would see everything so I could relive this day over and over again.
     After "Lighthouse" they stopped singing for a minute to speak to the crowd.
     "We've just received news that there's someone here with a birthday today!" Leo stated and my heart dropped into my ass.
     The crowd screamed, "It's your birthday!" But I don't think he was talking about himself.
      My curiosities were answered when he responded to the shouting fans with, "Correct it is my birthday but there's a fan in the audience whose birthday is also today!" Leo looked right at me and I swear I pissed myself a little.
     "Daddy. Did you tell someone that it was my birthday today?" I asked my dad sitting next to me but he just shrugged and smirked.
      "There's a girl. She's in the front row. Her name is Emily. Emily Holbert." he said my name and my heart fell through my chest out my ass and leander on the seat below me. "Emily could you up here on stage with us please?" he asked so politely how could I say no. I got up from my seat and walked over to where the security guard was directing me onto the stage.
      "Hi-i. I'm Emily Holbert." I stutter out. "Today is my birthday."
      "Hi Emily! Today is Leo's birthday too!" Charlie says into the mic.
      "I know." I say, not knowing how to form more words.
      Charlie turns to the crowd and asks "Hey guys can we sing happy birthday to Leo and Emily?" The crowd goes crazy screaming "Yes" and "Absolutely". "Alright. On 3. 1..2..3 Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Emily and Leo. Happy birthday to you." If it's embarrassing to have 12 family members sing you happy birthday try having 1,200+ random people plus Charlie Lenahan singing happy birthday to you. I didn't know if I wanted to melt into the stage or hide behind Leo.
      "Hey Emily," Leo got my attention, "What's your dad's name? I'd like to him a question."
      "Um his name is Benjamin but everyone calls him BJ." I respond.
       "Hey BJ. I have a question for you." Leo shouts down to my dad. Since you can't hear the audience very well from the stage my dad just raised hand and nodded his head. "Can we keep your daughter up here for the duration of the show?" My dad shot a thumbs up and they brought me a chair so I could sit and watch from the stage.
      After the first set, Leo extended his hand for me to grab. "Follow me. I'd like to show you something." I need not to ask any follow up questions. I grabbed his hand and followed him back stage. Since it was his birthday as well, there were cookies and cake and all kinds of goodies backstage. "Since it's your birthday too, dig in." He started making a plate for himself, so I did the same.
      I thought to myself, 'Tonight's gonna be a good night'.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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