chapter 2

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The Trojan war is approaching.  Y/n is one of the many figures that would be called upon to act. He is asked to appear in Myceane.

He walks into Agamemnon's throne room. Along with Agamemnon was his brother Menalus.

Agamemnon notices Y/n enter.

Agamemnon: Y/n! You arrive at last.

Y/n: As requested of me. You wish to hear my counsel?

Menalus: There is no need for that! The only course of action is war!

Agamemnon: While that does seem to be all that is possible: we must hold out some hope. Y/n, you are a good judge of character. Could you convince Paris to return Helen?

Y/n: I do not know. But I could try.

Agamemnon: Then I ask you to. But make sure he realizes that if he doesn't; then it's war!

Y/n nods.

Y/n: Very well then. I will return once I am given the answer. 

Y/n hastily leaves and sails to Troy by boat. Once he arrives at the large and beautiful city. To his surprise, Paris was already waiting for him.

Paris approaches him.

Paris: Y/n L/n?

Y/n: That is my name, yes.

Paris: Greetings. I am the one you seek, Paris of Troy.

Y/n: Oh? Then you know why I am here. To request for you to return Helen to Sparta.

Paris: And I am here to refuse! Helen and I are in love. A true love blessed by Aphrodite herself!

Y/n: Aphrodite you say?

Paris: Yes. After you left the apple to Zeus. I was called upon to act! Aphrodite promised me true love and she has delivered. I will fight to my end to keep Helen in my arms.

Y/n: I see. Very well then. I can not force you to do anything, nor can I deny something blessed by the gods.  But I am afraid that in order to defend people I know and care about: I will see you on the field of battle.

Paris: It is a shame this has to happen then.

Y/n: You made the choice, now many will suffer from it.

Y/n walks away. When he arrives back in Myceane, he tells Agamemnon that war is the only option now. 

Y/n decides to march alongside the king of Ithaca. Odysseus. 

Y/n followed Odysseus for some time. While Odysseus struggled to convince Achilles to join. Y/n learnt of why Achilles refused to join. 

Y/n personally negotiated with Agamemnon to negotiate a return of Briseis to Achilles.

As Y/n once more enters the throne room of Agamemnon.

Agamemnon notices him enter.

Agamemnon: Y/n. Odysseus is not with you. Why?

Y/n: Because this negotiation is between you and me.

Agamemnon: Oh? And what is the topic?

Y/n: Achilles. There is only one way he will join this war. You know what I am talking about.

Agamemnon: And say that I do, why would I want to give him anything?

Y/n: You want the myrmidons. Do not play coy with me. 

Agamemnon: I suppose he is still mad I took his little pet then?

Y/n: As angry as Menalus. Who suffers a similar fate.

Agamemnon: There is a clear-.

Y/n: Do not try to weigh your crimes lighter than Paris's. You two did something you shouldn't have. Achilles loves that woman, refers to her as his wife.  You hold her here without freedom and believe that I will support this hypocrisy?!  HOW DARE YOU!? 

As Y/n's voice booms. Agamemnon seems a little shaken. The normal calm demeanor of Y/n lead many to assume that, he was not capable of such anger.

Y/n: I will make one thing clear to you. I want her returned to Achilles. Or I will withdraw my support for this war. And you know as well as I do: what the people will think.

Agamemnon sighs to himself.

Agamemnon: Upon a successful campaign. I will return Briseis to Achilles. You have my word. If that is what it will take to get his support and keep your support: so be it.

Y/n nods and leaves. 

He prepares for his journey back to Pthia to deliver the good news to Achilles.  His mind wanders to the no doubt long campaign ahead.  But he has made his choice and will not back down on his word. It is not who he is. 

Meanwhile Aphrodite grants her support to both sides. While wanting Paris to prosper she does not want Y/n to die either. But perhaps in this war she will have to make a decision on which of these two will earn more of her favor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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