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NOTE:- Bracket ()- Situation explanation; Bracket{}- Mind thought; Quotation marks""- Characters Dialogue; Bracket []- My side of the story; Bold text- Emphasis; italics- Random uses but will be explained as the novel goes on.

(The birds are chirping, dogs barking, cars moving at considerable speed to a certain direction, but figuratively it was a beautiful morning)
(Snoring from a distance, a duplex like-structure is where the snoring originates, we zoom into the window to see a teenager stupidly in the bed and snoring uncontrollably the snoring continues till the alarm rings 6am)

"Hm-Uh, the hell the time is moving like haywire, i just slept two minutes ago" (mumbles as he rolls on the bed) [that was an actual lie, he slept for like 8-9 hours]
(A loud shout from outside his room door, a females voice considerably his mom)
"I heard that alarm ring........" The woman yells
"Mom please just 1 more hour" He begs as he continues to roll on the bed
"Don't play with me young man, get down here right now (yells) why can't you more like your sister (mumbles a little to the boys hearing)" The woman walks past the door
"{Always....Always.....Always, you always compare me to her, when will I be compared to her, when will I be better than her, she's always the perfect one the goody two shoes the one with the good luck, while am here always the one to be picked on, this is so tiring I might just die}"
(As a teenager who is preparing for School, he does everything and comes downstairs all dressed in his uniform, comes into the dining room to see his breakfast and his parents sitting down looking at his sister eating, but they all change direction and looks at him)
"Good morning Mom, Good Morning Dad" Greats them and peaks them taking his sit
"Ohayo Oniichan" She smiles at her elder brother
"Wow that was so fluent my love, I can't believe your japanese is getting better and better at such a young age" The mom praises
"Before you know it you could be (inhales) the Ambassador of Nigeria in Japan" Dad compliments (The parents smiles and joyful)
"Or maybe it's because she watches too many animes" He takes a morsel from his plate and eats
(They all look at him pissed)
"What! You don't judge things based on how it looks" He quotes and takes a morsel again
"Yh sure but at least be happy for your sister" Dad scolds
"Exactly when you were her age, you couldn't even say hello in Japanese" Mom reminds
(Silence, the sister looks at her elder brother disappointed, after some minutes they are already on their way out, they all say there goodbyes as their beautiful children leave)

"{My name is Kan Hito-sei, am an average senior student class 2 to be precise, am also 17 years of age, my sister is the damsel in distress which I have to look after for the rest of the day her name is Kireina and shes an excellent Junior 3rd year student,she is loved and cared for by everyone that knows her name............I know.......I know......I know what your thinking how can a bunch of Nigerian kids have Japanese names, well explaining that part my dad is a Nigerian and my lovely mom is from Japan, there by bringing about the names}" Kan [We are abbreviating the MFs name his name is already enough LMAO and also do remember to read the note at the beginning of the novel]
(Kan's Mind chat is cut off)

"Big Brother, are we gonna take a bus or Keke (Giggles)" Kireina
"I thought we agreed if we are minutes early we would walk" Kan
"Ohh come on big brother, that's just being mean and it's boring to walk to school" Kireina
"You have me (Smirks at Kireina)" Kan
(After walking for some minutes, they arrive at a junction, they take the road leading to their school but on their way they meet a small group of boys)

"Hey beautiful (One of them speaks to Kan's sister but no response) You!! (Shouts pointing at the girl) Aren't you hearing me you piece of shit(Moves out of the group to grab the girl but in the instant, Kan hits his hand that was about to grab her)
"Don't you dear touch, my sister you dirt bag" Kan looks at the boy angrily
"(Laughs a little) How dare you!! You piece of shit (Snaps his fingers, and in a bat of an eye some of the boys holds Kan down) You arrogant fool how dare you touch me all that energy, where do you get it from you know what am gonna beat the shit out of you so next time you know your place (Gives him a straight abdominal punch)" the kid
(Kan vomits saliva and blood)[Of course am adding this shit it's anime inspired people]
"Big brother!" Kireina screams
"Don't worry Kireina, your big brother is here to protect you"Kan boasts and stammers
"You idiot this isn't an anime,where you can take a thousand hits and still stand up and defeat the enemy, please I don't want you to get hurt" Kireina crys
"Awww is baby girl crying, wow what a baby (trys to touch Kireina but she moves her face)"the kid
"Please leave my sister out of this, you can beat me as much as you want" Kan negotiates
"(The kid looks at him and puts his hands into his pockets) Did I speak to you (Gives him a knee Jab to the abdomen) am gonna beat the shit out of you and then take your sister and.............(Whispers into his ear) Have fun with her"
"If you do anything to my sister I will bury you 10 feet under this world"Kan looks at him savagely
(The boy looks scared of Kan at first and laughs)
"Who do you think you are trash can..................(Gives the other kids a sign to stand him up and hold him)" the kid
(Immediately they stand him he is punched, kicked and hit with different instruments, Kan is bleeding but not much Kireina crys so hard she had no more tears only wails)
"I think that's about enough" A huge muscular man comes to the scene
(They immediately ran away, dropping all the instruments that they were beating up Kan with)
"Idiots, you okay son"the man asks
"Yh just a few bruises" Kan replies holding his abdomen
"Big brother! (Rushes over and hugs him but Kan groans of his injuries) ohh my God Am so sorry does it hurt, we should take you to the hospital" Kireina suggests
"No am fine, we should be heading to school (Kan looks at Kireina and then the man) thank you sir" Kan thanks and begins to walk away
"Hey kid, one of these days you could be spun into a more dangerous situations, never hold back...........the fight might seem pointless but die fighting and raising your head high don't stay down without giving it your all" the man smiles at them and walks down the road
(Kan thinks about what the man said and continues on his way to school with his sister)
(The bell rings, we see students living the school compound, it's actually school over, Kan and Kireina walks outside the school gate)
"Big brother, I wanted to tell you something" Kireina looks at Kan (Silence as they look at each other)
"I know right, should we walk home or take a bus" Kan
"You idiot (punches him in the abdomen, in the instant Kan groans) Am sorry Big brother,I know it hurts but what I really wanted to say was that am so sorry that I made you feel like Mom and Dad only love me but the truth is they love you too" Kireina
"I know that, is just am always the disappointment and your so perfect" Kan looks disappointed
"Am not perfect,I just act like I am" Kireina
"You don't need to say things like that to make me feel better" Kan
"Am not making it up, you are my hero Big brother, remember when I was little and you would read me and tell me stories, I always wanted to be like you, Smart, intelligent, resiliant and always caring for people, you were you were my perfect superhero" Kireina
"Awww you are so cute when apologize"Kan
"So is your little sister forgiven" Kireina
"Well, apologize to me in Japanese and I will consider it" Kan
"Okay (Clears her throat) gome na syei Oniichan"Kireina
"Aww just like In the animes (Sniffs as if he is about to cry)" Kan
"And yh based on whether we are walking or not.............we are definitely not walking" Kireina
"Yep I don't think my belly can take anymore of walking (Chuckles)"Kan
(They enter a bus heading home)[Spoiler alert; This is where the main fun begins]
(Alot of people on the bus women, men, children,old people; at the back we see Kan and Kireina giggling and laughing with each other, they stop cause they were drawing attention and became slient)
"Anyone stopping here"the driver asks looking at the passengers
(After some Minutes of silence)
Please!!.........I don't want......(A man stands up from his chair holding his head and screaming in Pain, stammering as he speaks, Everyone is looking at him worried)
"Sir please, sit down you might fall" Driver
"Please.........I want to get off here" the man groans
"Okay sit down, let me get to a bus stop" The driver tries to convince the man
"No please let me get off the bus, If I don't he will kill everyone!! (the man shouts as he hold his head in pain) ARRGGHH"
"Who will?" The driver asks concerned
"Him.......Him........Him, he wants to wipe out humanity, he wants all of mankind to disappear!" (He shouts and his groaning becomes more deep till 4 pairs of hands comes out from the man's back, then blood is sprayed on the faces of the people on the front row but everyone is still in shock but nobody talks, till one of the hands  turns into an axe and cuts off the driver's head and the bus begins to waver, immediately he was beheaded a woman in the front row began shout and scream, the other passengers also begin to scream and tries to find an escape route, some people tries to break the window, some tries to sneak passed the newly released monster but in the instant they try to pass they are cut in half and eaten whole) [Remember the screaming continues and the killing as the talking below goes on]

"Big brother, what should we do?" (Crys holding on to her big brother) Kireina
"Don't worry, I promise you I will get you home but first would you.................(Notices she is very frightened) would you like to play a game with your Oniichan" Kan
"How will a game help us"Kireina still shivering in fear
"Come on please do it for me" Kan begs (Kireina calms down and nods in agreement to his game)
"Okay then let's play hide and seek.........all you have to do is to make sure you hide from the big bad monster okay, make sure it doesn't see you" Kan eagerly Says
(Kireina is still as cold as ice)
"Can you do that Kireina"Kan asks
"I will win in this game Oniichan"Kireina says as she procceds to the fore back and hids beneath the chair
(As she hides, Kan takes a greater look at the situation, the monster has turned all its hands into axes and is killing everyone on sight and makes it's way to the back but it stops and sees a woman with her child, Kan is looking at the situation trying to move to save the mother and her child but he begins to sweat excessively and suddenly freezes)[of course you thought he would actually unlock some unknown powers to kill the monster in an instant and save every one on the bus, now that's just rich LoL]
"{Why can't I move damn it, what is wrong with me.............I have never felt this emotion............this isn't fear, this is..........this is............INSTINCT}" (He brings an iron rod and holds it tightly but as he gathers the courage to use it, the monster is about to strike the mother and the baby, the instant it's about to strike them; Kan jumps into the way and is simultaneously cut in half)
"Oniichan!!!"Kireina shouts but does not leave her position
"{You actually won this game Kireina, please survive this and tell mom and dad that I love an idiot for thinking I could actually be the hero, I wonder if the mom and child survived; what does it matter their going to die anyway................everywhere is getting blurry, I can't see shit so this is where it ends; I wonder would I go to heaven or hell (Chuckles)}"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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