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An- Idk how well the grammar. I just posting this based of a 3 am decision making so yea. The spelling probably ain't great either. Also if your wondering why their is not like art cover rhing. It's cuz I couldn't figure out how to work it and I'm not creating a canvas account so yea.

Lucy woke up with an arm draped across her waist. Lockwoods head was buried into her neck just like how they fell asleep together last night. She laid there taking it all in. It was perfect everything was perfect.

The house was quiet all that could be heard was Lockwood soft snoring and a clock ticking in the distance.

A few moments later she managed to wiggle her away out of bed without waking Lockwood. She quickly grabbed a towel making her way into the bathroom.

When she had got out of the shower and was wrapping the towel around her body she heard rustling but the neighboring room. She opened the door Lockwood was sitting up in bed as she made her way over to the wardrobe to get some clothes.

While picking out a shirt she felt arms lock around her waist. "Good Morning." She said while turning to face Lockwood. "Good morning to you." He said before he pecked her lips."How dare you leave me all alone."

Lucy's pov

"It was for 10 minutes while I showered." I retorted. "Well 10 minutes too long." "You were asleep for the 10 minutes." "Well yes but I still missed you." "Whatever."

Struggling to push move away, Lockwood pulled me back not letting go. "Nope, you left me all alone." "Fine, I'll apologize, how about that." "Ok let's hear it." "I'm deeply sorry that I left you all alone in bed asleep while I went and showered. Happy?" "Not entirely but I accept your apology."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. "Ok how about now?" "I feel a little bit better." He then kissed me again for a little bit longer.

I pulled apart," Ok now get out so I can change." "Must I really leave while my wife changes." "Yes you must," I said pushing away" You need to shower anyways." "Yea,yea"

He caught my hand pulled me back and pecked my lips before saying "Love you." "Love you too" I responded. I quickly changed out of the towel.

While I was putting my hair up Lockwood walked back in. He had on his blue dressing robe. "Well you look gorgeous" he said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek.

I grabbed the diamond necklace he gave me years ago. "Can you help me." "Of course, love." Wrapped it around my neck and clipped it in the back. "Thank you, hun." I said as he put his arms around my waist again.

He quickly spun me around to face him. "Anything for you." "Mhm." I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. Playing with tuff of hair on the back of his neck.

He pulled away and kissed my nose. I then laid my head on his chest. His head was resting on top of mine.We did this most mornings. We just stood there enjoying each other's company.

After what could have been five minutes an hour or a day we broke apart. "Well I'll go put a kettle on." "Thank you,dear." "Mhm." I pecked his lips and made my way out the door.

Walking across the landing I knocked on George's door. "Wake up." I heard rustling and movement coming from behind the door. Yep. Even though Lockwood and I were married George still lived with us. Neither of us minded. He still cooked the food and we were the best of friends.

Even though George will go stay with Flo. He still preferred to shower and have a roof over his head.

Ever since moving here my favorite part of the home. Is still the staircase. Well not the stair case but the pictures we hung along it. It's all of our memories together. Lockwood and is wedding pictures, Newspaper clippings of our achievements, George getting a jobs at the archives, Lockwoods family photo, and most of all our family photo.

This was taken just a few months after the battle at the Fitties house. Lockwood stood in the middle, me to the left, George to his right, Holly squatting in front leaning on the chair Kipps is in. It's all so nostalgic.

Most recently we have hired some kids to help run the Company. Around 21 Lockwoods talent began fading. Now at 24 he can hardly see a bright death glow George started fading around 19. Now at 23 it's completely gone. Mine began to fade last year. My sight is practically gone but my hearing has hardly gone.

Just as I took the kettle of the stove I heard footprints behind me. Lockwood walked in. "Newspaper on the counter, Lockwood." "Thanks, hun."

I heard him plop down in his normal seat. "Here is your cup." "Thank you." He said pecking my lips. "Get a room." George sounded as he walked in. "We have one," Lockwood retorted"but we own the house."

No matter how my times Lockwood has used that phrase the "we" makes me blush every time."Whatever get a new response." George said

"What time are the kids coming by?" "Around 12." Said Lockwood. Due to our fading talents we hired a few agents. Johnathan- Sight, William-Sight & Touch, Marie- Listening. The three worked really well together. They are all about 13. Either Lockwood or I, sometimes both accompany them. We do help them on most cases, we'll walk with them with the googles on.

George still does research for the cases. Holly still organizes the cases. Kipps will even swing by and help every now and again.

"Luce, do you want any eggs?" Said George taking me from my thoughts. "No, I'll probably make some toast in a little bit." "Well that's terrific." Lockwood mumbled "What is it?" I asked he moved the paper over so I could read it,

Possible Door To The Other Side Opened.

"Who the hell did that?" "Some ghost cult, says Deprac handled it but I wouldn't be to sure."

" What are you guys talking about?" Sounded George. "A door to the other side might have been opened the other night." I said "Oh that's terrific. Lockwood here's your eggs." "Thanks George."

George sat down and began to read the article himself. I drank my tea. Lockwood ate his eggs. Everything was perfect just like it was 9 years ago.

We have been an agency for almost 9 years now. I joined a few weeks after my 14th birthday. I turn 23 in about two months..."Here, Luce." Lockwood said as he placed a plate of two pieces of toast with butter just how I like it. "Thanks, hun."

I said as he looked at the schedule book.

Holly started it and updates its everyday. "George did you ever research Green Street?" "Huh?" "Green Street?" "Oh yeah. A woman killed herself to curse her husband. I'll go more into detail later." "Ok." Lockwood wondered back over to his chair.

He grabbed his cup refilling it. I got up to wash the plates. Because it was my dishes week. Whenever I wash the dishes I enjoy looking out over the garden. Imagining and remembering. I could see Lockwood playing outside as a kid, me and George planting new plants after the Winkman incident, Lockwood and me relaxing below the apple tree.

Most of all though my favorite was when Lockwood told me about his mother's necklace. I still have it. I don't wear it everyday like my diamond. But I do wear it on special days or when I miss him when he is on cases I didn't go on.

I felt an arm slipp around my shoulder. "Coin for your thoughts?" "Nothing just thinking." "About?" "Memories." "Yeah. Well I have a good idea since you're feeling so nostalgic." "And what is that idea?" "I'm thinking a good old rapier duel." "Oh your on." 

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