Day 1: thursday july 2

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It was a typical summer day. . Hot outside ,wakeing up late , and not knowing what your day would bring. It was 1 pm when i was talking to jonathan. For a while hes been talking about smoking then watching ted 2 and those were his plans for today. Me and him been going out for almost 4 years now. But lately we been breaking apart because of trust issues and well you know how boys are ... I usually dont like hanging out with him after he cheated on me because after that i got with this other boy and jonathan talks about the past alot when we hangout. Today i said fuck it , i want to have fun and do something cool probably take videos on snapchat on my iphone. I started to wonder what i would wear. Since my mom left i went to her room and took my stepdads speakers and listened to music in my room. I put on "trap queen" which is a song that will never get out of your head especially for me since it brought memories. I took my clothes off and wrapped around a white towel. It had makeup on it , mostly eyeliner days old rubbed on my towel. My hair was loose and i was heading to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and im always insecure but i just hated how i looked that day. Dry face , bushed eyebrows and as always my acne. I always thought i looked "ehhh " but my instagram says otherwise. I quickly remember yesturday that i saw my tweezers (jonathan bought me two years ago ) on the floor of my sisters room. She was putting on makeup while her friend was chillen on her bed on my moms computer that she claims is hers just because shes the only one that uses it. Anyways i went straight to her room which was actually the living room , i noticed my brother left and i assumed he was in a friends house. Yanilza , my sis was on her bed with headphones on. I told her i was going to look through her stuff to see if i find my tweezers.
"Wtf are you doing "
I told you im trying to find my tweezer.
(Went back to looking on the computer screen but didnt put headphones on )
She kept looking at me and her stuff and she got mad and told me its not there at all !!
"Get out im going to look for it " it took less than a min and she said its not there.
I kept going thru the cabinet and she starts getting more mad and telling me to leave. "I told you get out its not here ". 'But mami cleaned and she probably put it here "
"Idc its not here " she kept guarding her shit so i pushed her and left. I took the house phone " im calling mami ". I pretended to call her so i went to my room. "Mami said she cleaned and she put it around your stuff ". She obviously didnt believe me. "Bitch get the fuck out of my stuff now ". "No you always grab my shit ". "Says the one who had my concealer hidden. ". She continue to block. "Let me find my fucking tweezers. ". I pushed the tall drawer that holds all her stuff and i kept and kept pushing it "get out you fucking bitch ". "No you skinny fucking ugly ass bitch ". I kept pushing and her old coffee dropped all over her drawer. She screamed so loud then she pulled my hair so hard so i had to pull hers back she pulled it harder so i let go. She still continued after i let go. "Let go let go " i swear if she wasnt my sis i would had killed her. I pushed her and left. "You fucking bitch im calling mami ". I passed by the kitchen and put the house phone on a little bag that was hanging on a chair. I went to my room and quickly called my mom and i think she rejected my calls a few times. Im use to it. "Come on come on come on ". Unwanted tears rolled down my face. I kept thinking to myself how fucked up she is. She called me while i was crying and she was talking to someone else "yo i swear to god i am going to kill this lil girl ". I told her what happened and she said she was a few minutes away from the house. I decided to get the speakers and bring them back to my moms room. I went back to my room. I heard the door and heard my sister scream. "Really why are you taking the laptop , really your going to listen to her , omggg ". She talks while crying and it seems like she didnt want to give up the laptop. "Give it to me yanilza ". She yelled and im sure my mom pushed her "shut up the neighbors can hear you ". I hid my iphone under the sheets and i was expecting to be next. "Give me your phone ". I went to get it then turned it off. " and your not going out today " she said. I went to go get my tablet ,camera and htc and hid it. I went to bathroom and i made sure i took my htc phone. As i walked to the bathroom she did as well and she sat on the toilet. "Your not going out ". "In 5 months im out this house dont worry " i said. "You can do w.e you want when your 18 but right now you listen to me ". I went in the shower and when she left i hid the phone under the towel. I took a warm shower and i was crying but i didnt cry too much. I was too angry to cry. I thought to myself that life is so unfair. I washed myself quickly , i didnt even wash my hair. I went to the room and i turned on the tv. I charged the phone too and i went on fb to tell jonathan that i got my phone taken away. I told him the story. He was mad and told me to just hangout with him he was tired of me being treated like a baby and tired of me being treated unfairly when i didnt do anything. This happened before. When my sis spent $700 online me my bro and sis got in trouble when it was my sisters fault. Anyways he said his phone needed to charge so he went walking to my house to use my android charger. He said to be on the look out. I went to the porch and i saw my puerto rican neighbor. I knocked on the porch door to wave. I went to the second floor to see if he was there but he wasnt so i went back upstairs unpatiently. "Como tu estas ". He asked how am i and we started to talk. He was a cool neighbor. He smoked , had a cool accent and always gave me random things like cookies. He lives with his wife which once i thought was his mom. "Tu quieres algo de puerto rico "? He was leaving to p.r on sunday and asked if i wanted something from over there. I asked for a shirt that said p.r on it. I was talking to him and we said our good byes and when i turned the nobbed of my back door someone slammed the door and locked it. My neighbor looked at me and i told him im locked out.

Sorry for the grammer mistakes i been writing since 3 am

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