chapter 10: choices made

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Andrei had continued his journey as well. After the turbulence of their youthful interactions, he had found his calling in law school. On this day, he stood on the threshold of a new chapter—graduating with honors from law school, a testament to his hard work and dedication.

Atty Marco and Atty Xandra, Fides's beloved parents, were there to attend Andrei's graduation ceremony. They arrived at the venue filled with pride and happiness, knowing the significance of this moment not just for Andrei, but also for their family.

Atty Marco clapped Andrei on the shoulder, his voice filled with warmth. "Congratulations son. You've worked hard for this day."

Atty Xandra smiled warmly, her eyes reflecting a mix of nostalgia and pride. "Indeed, we're so proud of you. This is just the beginning of your new journey..."

Andrei, touched by their presence, thanked them sincerely. "Thank you, Dad, Mom... Your support means a lot to me."

After the ceremony, a graduation party was hosted at Roxas' family residence. The atmosphere was festive, with friends and family gathering to celebrate his achievements. Atty Marco and Atty Xandra mingled with guests, sharing stories and laughter as they celebrated alongside Andrei and their friends- The LC family and some relatives.

Meanwhile, at the party, Andrei found himself amidst a whirlwind of congratulations and well-wishes. He noticed familiar faces and shared smiles with friends who had been with him through the ups and downs of his journey.

Andrei approached Atty Marco and Atty Xandra, his gratitude evident in his expression. "Thank you very much, Dad, Mom... Your support has meant a lot to me over the years. I am not what I am today without you both."

Atty Marco nodded warmly. "We're honored to celebrate this milestone with you, Andrei. You've grown into an impressive young man... You never disappoint us."

Atty Xandra added with a smile, "You have a bright future ahead of you, Andrei. We're excited to see where your journey takes you."

As the evening progressed, Andrei couldn't shake the lingering thought of Fides, the girl who had once been such a significant part of his life. He wondered how she was doing, and where life had taken her, but he knew their paths would cross again.

Amidst the laughter and music, Andrei caught sight of a familiar face in the crowd—a mutual friend who had kept in touch with Fides. He approached cautiously, his heart racing with a mix of emotions.

"Hey, ChenMei!" Andrei greeted softly, trying to keep his composure. "How's Fides? I heard she's been doing well."

Chen smiled knowingly. "She's thriving. Living her dream and making a name for herself. She often talks about her friends and the support she's received... She became a wonderful woman more and more as years passed."

Andrei nodded, relief washing over him. "I'm glad to hear that. She deserves all the success and happiness in the world."

The friend chuckled. "She's fortunate in his choosen field. I know she's enjoying her life... Glamour, fame and prestige... She's someone in medelling industry, for sure you know that...She's known worlwide..."

Andrei's heart swelled with a mix of nostalgia and regret. He had always carried a piece of Fides with him, despite their complicated past. He thought of his decision , was he correct with it...

As the party continued into the night, Andrei found himself lost in thought, reflecting on the twists of fate that had brought him to this moment. He couldn't help but wonder if there was still a chance for reconciliation, for closure, or perhaps even a new beginning.

As the party continued into the night, Andrei found himself slipping away from the bustling crowd, seeking a moment of solitude. He wandered into the quiet garden, the cool night air a welcome contrast to the warmth and noise inside. He sat down on a stone bench, the familiar setting bringing a sense of calm amidst the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him.

Reaching into his pocket, Andrei pulled out a small, polished medallion—a symbol of his academic achievements, a testament to the years of hard work and dedication. It was inscribed with his name and the honor he had earned. As he held it tightly, he felt the weight of not just his accomplishments, but also the memories and emotions he had carried with him all these years.

Tears began to well up in his eyes, blurring the edges of the medallion's shine. He tried to blink them away, but they fell silently, tracing paths down his cheeks. Andrei had always been strong and composed, but in this moment of reflection, the walls he had built around his heart started to crumble.

He thought back to Fides, the girl who had once been the center of his world. The laughter they had shared, the dreams they had whispered to each other, the silent moments that spoke volumes. He remembered the day he chose to distance himself, believing it was the right decision for his future. But now, with the medallion in his hand, he questioned that choice, feeling the pain of separation as if it were fresh.

"Fides... I'm so sorry," he whispered into the night, his voice barely audible, carried away by the gentle breeze. The regret and longing that he had tried to bury now surfaced, uncontainable.

Just then, Atty Marco noticed Andrei sitting alone. Concerned, he walked over and placed a reassuring hand on Andrei's shoulder. Andrei looked up, his tear-streaked face reflecting his inner turmoil.

"Andrei, my son," Atty Marco said gently, "what's on your mind? You can talk to me."

Andrei took a deep breath, struggling to find the right words. "Dad, I... I just keep thinking about Fides. I thought I was doing the right thing, focusing on my career, but now I feel like I made a mistake. I miss her, Dad. I miss her so much."

Atty Marco nodded, understanding the depth of Andrei's emotions. "Sometimes, we make choices that we believe are for the best, only to realize later that they came at a cost. It's not too late, Andrei. If you feel this strongly, maybe it's time to reach out to her, to see if there's a way to mend what was broken."

Andrei looked down at the medallion, its surface reflecting the soft garden lights. "Do you think she would even want to hear from me? After all this time?"

Atty Marco squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. "You'll never know unless you try. Fides has always had a kind heart. If there's even a chance for reconciliation, it's worth the effort. Follow your heart, Andrei. It's led you well so far."

With those words, Andrei felt a flicker of hope. He knew that the path ahead might be challenging, but he was determined to find a way to reconnect with Fides. The tears that had once been a sign of regret now carried a glimmer of resolve.

As he stood up, ready to rejoin the party, Andrei held the medallion close to his heart. It was no longer just a symbol of his achievements, but a reminder of the courage he needed to face the future, no matter how uncertain it might be.

The night was still young, and amidst the celebrations, Andrei felt a renewed sense of purpose. He would take the first step, reach out to Fides, and see where their intertwined destinies might lead. The journey was far from over, and with the support of his loved ones, he felt ready to embrace whatever came next.

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