Chapter 6

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In the classroom, she ran towards the stairs but ended up falling and breaking her right ankle while trying to escape from whoever or whatever was chasing her around the school. A strange person caught up to her as she lay in pain, preventing her from getting away.

The person looked down at her and began to giggle uncontrollably, covering his mouth with one hand while holding a weapon in the other. Overwhelmed with fear, the girl attempted to crawl away slowly from her attacker. He continued to descend the stairs, giggling even louder with a sadistic expression on his face.

Now crying and begging for her life to be spared, she turned around and lay on the concrete floor, even with the hope of being able to make out of this nightmare of a situation. The attacker suddenly found himself at the bottom of the stairs and right at her feet. Crouching down to her level and on top of her.

Smiling at the face-to-face moment with her, he then spoke to her in a sadistic voice. She cried and begged even more, but couldn't get through to her attacker. His smile got wider and bigger as he lifted his arm and held the weapon. Suddenly a shot was fired at him and he fell off of her and onto the concrete floor.

Frightened with more fear she looked up and saw another person in the school. The other person grabbed her out of the school and left her on the sidewalk entrance of the school, soon the other person went back into the school to check if the attacker was dead.

What seemed like a few hours turned out to be only a few minutes, and the other person came back out of the school and back to the entrance of the school. Then suddenly the ambulance came to pick up the girl for injuries, while the police came to pick up the attacker to jail.

As of now, be careful where you go, because you will never know if there will be an attack or something else to harm you out of nowhere. My dear readers this is the reality of life, watch out or you might be next.

~The End~


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