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Gina to Golden Apple TF/TG/MC

Gina was a 15 year old girl. She was very introverted, preferring to never be in the center of attention and didn't like interacting with others.

Right now, Gina was walking to the bus stop so the bus would come, pick her up, and then go to school. She then sat down on the bench and patiently waited.

But then, she felt like that someone was...watching her. She looked around for anybody nearby, but she saw no one. So she went back to waiting.

But then, she felt a...presence right behind her. She turned around, expecting to see a person. But no...it was something...completely different...

"WELL HELLO THERE!" Animatic said gleefully before grabbing the collar of her shirt and then POP! They were both gone.

Then Gina found herself in some strange land. She also saw some...living objects around her. She thought that she was hallucinating.

Until Animatic grabbed her, lifted her up, and shoved the phone in her face as it flashed a bright golden color, sealing her fate.

As Animatic dropped her, she felt some strange sensations on her arms. She looked down and, to her horror, she saw that her arms were starting to get thinner until they were basically sticks.

When her arms were completely thin as a stick and also jet black, her legs would suffer the same fate. Use then felt a stem slowly forming on her head. And it even had a little leaf on it too.

When her stem was finished forming, she felt her body slowly shift shape into the form of an apple as her hair fell out into clumps.

As her skin slowly started to solidify into actual gold, she felt her womanhood shrivel up into nothingness. Even though she was shenderless, she felt like a HE...and also an it?...

As his skin fully turned gold, he felt his eyes sting, so he shut them closed. When he opened his eyes, they were black beady eyes instead. Then his mouth would simplify into a line.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?!" Gina screamed out in fear. He yelped when he heard his new voice. Instead of a shy, feminine voice, it sounded more masculine, and not feminine at all.

He then felt a pounding headache in his head. Golna A felt his human memories slowly starting to decay. He then felt new memories being poured into his head.

Golda Ap would then slowly remember that he was so full of himself, wanting people to see his "beautiful golden face". He CRAVED other's attention.

Golde appl groaned in pain as he was lying on the ground. He had fought as hard as he could, but he would end up losing. Now Golden Apple was in Gina's place.

"Ugh...what even was that?..." Golden Apple muttered as he got up. It then went off to look for it's team.


Milo to Minidisky TF/TG/MC

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