The Pork Chop Lord

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After a solid while of healish training from the teachings of who I and the rest students refer to as the Elderly Sword Teacher from Hell, aka Shifu while waiting for all of our equipment to be fully made by Brock and Kaijin, we set off the Lizardmen territory to finalize our agreement in person.

Starting up talks seemed to have gone the expected way. Leonardo suddenly barged in, threatened a dude, and gotten the Lizardman Chieftain to be open for negotiations. Normally, this type of negotiation would just make matters worse if done with anyone back in my previous world. Thankfully, the survival of the fittest rule amongst monster races made them more straightforward and overall easier to talk with.

Before we had left though, me and rimuru had named a couple of the ogres to act as our village's defense while we're away, although rimuru had me take the majority of the naming to make me take responsibility for suddenly letting them in without any notification before hand.

Currently we are riding on our Tempest Wolves, everyone has their respective weapons. Rimuru, Shifu, Benjamin, and Napolean have katanas. Gobta with the rest of the Goblin riders have their short katanas and Lavandra has her Greater Sword while Leonardo has his ninja stars. As for myself, I tried using a katana, but it wasn't really working for me, eventually Shifu stated that katanas didn't seem to be the best blade for me. I tried a more medieval style sword, but it wasn't working for me either. Then I thought that maybe I'm a spear type of guy, that was a heavy nope.

I was left pretty stumped on what weapon worked best for me, it really didn't help that we were on a limited time frame. I was thinking of just using magic if I need to end up fighting, but my thoughts were changed when I tried out one the short swords that were made for the Goblin riders. After a few minutes of practice swinging, I felt this type of weapon was the closest I have to a compatible type. I wasn't fully satisfied with it completely since I still had keep the same awkward stances with a lower reach than previously. What started to get me to click was how light weight it was.

My type of fighting style was more swift with the use of light weight weapons. The best fitting would be a single hand weapon so I got Brock to make me a short single hand style katana. While glad I finally found the type of weapon I'm good at, I wasn't fully satisfied. I took it a step further by using the materials from the workshop to copy and produce another single hand katana with the calculations of Wise Sage. Essentially giving me dual blades and I think this fits me pretty well.

For the most part we simply been traveling in high speed on our Tempest wolfs for a few days. The only notable thing that happened was our encounter with who will be Souka.

Leonardo: Kaijuno-Sama, there's a lone lizardmen fighting against a group of orcs ahead of us. How may we proceed?

Kaijuno: Assist the Lizardmen, the rest of us will join you shortly

Leonardo: Hai

Kaijuno: There's a bunch of orcs ahead in the trail

Rimuru: Already?

Kaijuno: Yeah we must be getting close to the main army. Get ready for combat everyone, a group of orcs up ahead!

Everyone: Hai!

Everyone tensed up and braced themselves, only to be disappointed when there was none left to fight

Kaijuno: Damn Leonardo wasn't messing around

Benjamin: He could've at least left a few for us to fight

Leonardo: Kaijuno-Sama, this Lizardmen is still hurt from her battle

Rimuru: I got a potion for that

Rimuru poured a potion on the female lizardmen and she was able to regain her strength

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