chapter 14: the watch tower

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When all of her guests are now having their rest, Fides climbs to the watch tower... As Fides stood atop the watchtower, gazing out at the vast ocean, memories flooded back to her from their childhood conversation. She and Andrei, around twelve years old at the time, had shared their dreams here.

"Fides, what do you want to be when you grow up?" Andrei had asked, his eyes full of curiosity as they leaned against the railing.

Fides had grinned, her eyes reflecting determination. "I want to be like my mom, a full-time housewife, and mother. She's smart and kind, helping people with her work. And married to the man she truly loves."

Andrei had nodded thoughtfully. "Like my dad, Atty. Marco. He's a successful lawyer and businessman. I want to be just like him."

Fides had cheered him on. "We both have the same dreams then, you---you wanted to be your Dad... me, I wanted to be like my Mama! "

"Then you had to find a billionaire husband," Andrei

"But why?" Fides

"To sustain you and your kids to be,"

'But you know, Andrei, it's isn't about having a billionaire husband. I like a mom for being humble and generous, caring about people more than money."

Andrei chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "I'll work hard, Fides. Just wait. I'll make my dad proud of me... I will be like him ---a successful lawyer and businessman."

As Fides reminisced about that conversation, a smile tugged at her lips. She remembered the innocence and determination they had shared back then, unaware of the complexities life would bring. They had both set their sights high, inspired by their parents' examples.

Now, years later, standing on the same watchtower, Fides wondered where Andrei's journey had taken him. Anyway she doesn't care whether or not he had found fulfillment in his ambitions... She knows herself she cannot fulfill hers... She cannot be like her mom a full-time housewife and mother to them, her kids and married to the man she truly loves,"

Now, standing on the watchtower in Bali, surrounded by the beauty of the ocean, Fides couldn't help but feel a twinge of emptiness. She had achieved so much, yet there was a lingering sense of unfulfilled longing. The gentle waves below seemed to echo the constancy of dreams, reminding her of the journey she had traveled.

Taking a deep breath, Fides acknowledged the gratitude she felt for her path and the memories that had shaped her. She accepted that life's course had diverged from her childhood aspirations, and that was okay. The peace settling over her was a reassurance that every step had led her to where she was meant to be.

With renewed resolve, Fides descended from the watchtower, ready to embrace the new day and whatever adventures awaited her in Bali. She carried with her the lessons of dreams pursued and the wisdom that fulfillment came in many forms, sometimes unexpected and beautifully different from what was once imagined.

As Fides descended from the watchtower, she felt a quiet resolve settling within her. The gentle rhythm of the ocean waves below soothed her restless thoughts, echoing the constancy of life's ebbs and flows. She had come to realize that while her journey had diverged from the childhood dreams she and Andrei had shared, it had led her to meaningful accomplishments and experiences she deeply cherished.

As morning comes, Fides saw her friends above the watch tower enjoying the sunrise.

"Morning, Fides!" Meera called out, her eyes bright with excitement. "We catch the sunrise from the watchtower? It was breathtaking!"

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