Day Dreaming..

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Sarita Aunty's house,Shahana's room,

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Sarita Aunty's house,
Shahana's room,

Shahan was sitting on her bed holding her teady bear in her night suit. She was lost in her thoughts. She recalls aryan proposing her

What am I supposed to say to Aryan? Usually when anyone proposed me, I have always denied straightaway, then why did I asked for time from aryan? Do I like him as well? No! How can this be possible? But.. Then why do I feel so safe and so good with him? Even when we fight, I get irritated, but then when I think about the fight.. I always smile! Arghhh... What the hell is happening with meee!! Daddddddd!!!" She banged the teddy on bed and started tossing and turning.

Shahana was busy in her own world when she heard some murmurs from the next room.

Shahana, to herself: it's rishi who stays beside me, but what is he blabbering!?

Shahana, to herself: it's rishi who stays beside me, but what is he blabbering!?

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She gets up from the bed and goes to his room.

In Rishi's room,

Rishi was preparing himself to talk to priyanka. He had literally wrote a huge speech and was now reciting it when shahana came there.

Rishi didn't saw her and continued to speak, but shahana thought he's talking to her.

Rishi: thank god I can finally meet you. I was trying to call you since yesterday but your phone was not reachable. Listen, I know I have wronged you, hurted you alot.. But trust me, I really love you

With that said, Rishi turned back only to find Shahana standing there in shock, mouth open and eyes wide. He screamed seeing her suddenly.

Rishi: mummy! Shahana you scared me!

Shahana: and you shocked me! Is today propose day Or what? Everyone is coming and proposing me! And you, when was my phone not reachable, huh?

Rishi: are-woh, it wasn't for you. I'm sorry I didn't saw you. I was just practicing something

Shahana: practicing?

Rishi: actually.. I love a girl. But I-I wronged her alot. She needed me but i left her and broke up with her. Her health had affected alot due to me.. I still love her and she too loves me.. But now I'm scared to go and talk to her

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