4. A Good Boss

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The dull kick on my back prompts me to scoot aside, but I bump into a warm surface instead. I pry my eyes open before closing them again. I know I'm in bed, but the light is too bright. And for whatever reason, how the hell did I end here? Placing a hand over my forehead, I reopen my eyes to check my surroundings, and the memory of what happened rushes into my mind. A dinner with a woman I met at an exhibition, followed by us bumping into her friend. Then the three of us headed to my condo for another round of drinks...

Shit. How long have I been asleep? I wasn't supposed to fall asleep.

I prop myself up and look at the two naked women who are lying on either side of me. Their creamy white and mocha skin tones are like day and night, yet impossible to choose which one is better. They're velvety and firm; the skins that slid against mine a few moments ago, all slick and sweaty, as we raced to find our releases. They're such a good fuck, but I shouldn't be here right now.

The thought prompts me to glance at the time on my nightstand. "Fuck." I grunt as I untangle my legs from theirs before scrambling away.

I need to get out of here. The new sitter might not be very happy right now.

One girl shifts once I climb off the bed, probably because of the slight wobble of the mattress, but she rolls to the side and resumes sleeping with her pale bottom on full display. She was the one who poked my back a few seconds ago. Meanwhile, the other girl hasn't moved, as if she's in a coma.

I need to text my personal assistant, Max, to handle my guests' departure in the morning. Those women might wake up disoriented about their whereabouts tomorrow, given how much drink they took. But Max lives on the second floor and always has his magic touch to clean up the mess. What I need to worry about now is to go home as fast as I can because it's nearly two already. I should have just fucked and left, but those two minxes had the skill to distract a man.

Gathering my clothes, I give them another glance before quietly leaving the bedroom.

Once I settle back in my driver's seat, I check my phone while thinking if I should call Millie, but I throw my gadget onto my center console, crank up the engine, and start driving. She sounded tired when I rang her this evening, and I won't be surprised if she's sleeping in her room now.

Her face flashes through my mind, and my thought jumps to our earlier conversation. Something about this girl never quits bugging me, but I still can't put a finger on it. No, it's not about me being attracted to her. My opinion stands corrected that it's probably because she had walls when I dug deeper into her life. I may have stopped asking her questions, but it doesn't mean I'd drop it. I'll find all the information I need about her. She's my kids' sitter, after all. It's my task to make sure my children are in good hands.


The absence of light in my foyer and corridor confirms my theory about everyone sleeping in their beds upstairs. But that's until I catch a flicker of light sneaking into the darkness in the hallway. The gleam is weak, and I'm almost sure I'm just imagining it until it glimmers again. As I approach the source of light, it leads me to my living room.

The light is gone again, and darkness welcomes me when I enter my family room. Well, almost, because the shade on our large window is partly closed, allowing the glow from the indigo sky to creep into the room, but it's not the same yellowish light I saw earlier. Then my eyes catch a figure on the reading chair near the firelight, leaning into its armrest. Millie.

I cautiously walk to her, not wanting to startle her, but her slow breathing tells me enough that she's fast asleep. From a closer distance, I can see her head lying on the soft part of the armrest, causing her neck to bend uncomfortably. Her mouth is slightly open while her glasses are pushed over her forehead.

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