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❛❛YOU missed out on a dog ass female!
Your lost, because I don't GIVE a fuck.❞


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PRINCESS walked out her bedroom as she yawned. It was finally morning time and she just got done placing all her clothes in the drawers and the closet.

She was now about to make herself some breakfast because she didn't not feel like getting any food from a public restaurant.

Princess walked barefoot to the kitchen as she looked around looking for the easiest breakfast meal, cereal.

She saw some Frosted Flakes, they were not her favorite but they were decent. Princess passed by the kitchen window as she stood on her tippy toes grabbing the cereal box.

She sat it down on the counter as she went to the cabinets, searching through them until she found a bowl. She pulled out a blue bowl placing it beside the cereal box. Then she went back closing the cabinet.

Princess pranced around before going to the refrigerator, opening it and grabbing milk. She closed it back going to her bowl as she opened the cereal box as she unwrapped her cereal bag.

She then poured it into the blue bowl as the sound of the cereal filled the quiet kitchen, other than Princess's humming she would do every now and then.

Princess then rolled back up the bag as she placed it back into the cereal box, closing it. She then opened the milk container as she placed the red top beside it. Pouring the milk into the bowl that was filled with cereal.

When she was done she placed the milk back into the refrigerator, closing it behind her as she went to the drawers grabbing a spoon.

She brought the bowl of cereal to the living room as she sat down on the beige couch. Looking for the remote with her hands as she moved them down between the cushions in the couch.

She grabbed the remote as she turned on Poetic Justice, as she began to chow down on her cereal. As she enjoyed her meal a series of knocks were placed at her door.

Princess groaned placing the cereal bowl on the living room table as she brushed off her Hello Kitty pajama pants as she slid off the couch walking towards the door.

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 ,  赤い糸 Where stories live. Discover now