chapter twenty one - conan crap

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on the last day in london

 "conan! half your stuff is in my bag!!" maddie said. "that's because my bag is fullll" conan said laughing. "how did you get all your conan crap here then?!?!" olivia asked laughing. "well it was distributed out into your bags you just didn't notice." he said. "why are we leaving already" olivia sighed. "don't worry she just wants to spend time with her 'london boy'." iris said. olivia opened her mouth to say something but no words came out. "seeeee she can't deny it!" conan said chuckling. "guys!!!!!!!" olivia said trying to hold her laugh. "i dont want to go either" maddie sighed. "who does" conan said. "okay we can't miss our flight so when mills and lou get here we run!" iris said as someone knocked on the door. "you should tell him how you feel" maddie whispered to olivia. "maddie." olivia responded not happy. "run!!!!!!!!!!!" maddie repeated as iris opened the door, "hey mills! hey lou!!" she smiled. "you guys ready?" millie asked after hugging iris. olivia sighed and said "yes, i can't believe we are leaving alreadyyyy." "same!" conan said. "you know you have to come to new york now...." maddie said. "course!!" lou smiled (at olivia and she smiled back and everyone noticed but didn't say anything). 

"olivia pleasseeeee you said you would!!!" millie begged. "not in front of everyone!" olivia laughed. "miss olive rodriguez we have literally heard the song before." conan laughed. millie was currently begging olivia to play 'the grudge' as promised in the car to the airport. "please livvvv" louis added. "fine, but you all owe me!" she said as she plugged her phone into the car. 

as the last chords of the song played millie was almost in tears. "OLIVIA FREAKING RODRIGO. i'm buying my vip tickets already" millie said. olivia laughed and they pulled up into the airport. "ugh i hate flying." iris said. "who doesn't, especially on the way back, it's like all the grand parts of the trip are over and you are stuck on a plane forever" conan added. they checked in their bags and then they got to security, where they had to say goodbye. their was a chorus of goodbyes and then it got to louis and olivia. "bye london boy" she smiled pulling him into a hug. "i promise, i will come to new york, miss so american" he said. "thank god, life is going to be so boring with these three people" she said looking at iris conan and maddie talking with millie. "hey i got you something" louis said pulling out a bag and handing it too her. "lou, you didn't have too" she smiled as blush crept onto her face. "i'm sorry i didn-" she began. "liv, don't be sorry you already gave me the best present and that was you coming here" he smiled and gestured her to open the bag. she reached inside and pulled out a pair of rose quartz earrings. "louis they are amazing i love them" she said reaching out to put them on. "they look perfect on you" he smiled. "i really really really really hate to break this up but if we wait any longer we are going to be stuck here because we missed our flight." conan said sighing. "nice earrings" he added smiling. 

louis pulled her into one more hug before having to let her go. "bye livvy" he smiled as she walked off. "bye lou" she said blowing him a kiss. "tell her." millie said. "tell her now." "millie, i can't, i don't want to ruin our friendship" he watched olivia and her friends go through security. "and if she turns me down nothing will be the same" "but what if she doesn't!? wouldn't that be great? plus i've seen the way she looks at you, she's starstruck." the pair couldn't see iris, conan, maddie or olivia anymore. "it's too late" he said walking towards the exit. "it's not too late! buy a plane ticket! go through there find her! tell her! fly to new york if you have too!!" millie said trying to convince her friend. "please louis, we are all rooting for you two. please?"

 "okay. i will" he said. "oh my god yes yes yes yes lets go!" she said grabbing his hand and running to buy tickets.

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