The Portal's To Destiny

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Leo and Raven stood in awe, gazing at the shimmering portal that Lyra had opened. They knew that this was their next step, their next adventure.

"What lies ahead?" Leo asked Lyra, his eyes fixed on the portal.

"A great challenge," Lyra replied, her expression serious. "Arachnea's stronghold is guarded by powerful minions and treacherous traps. But with your bravery and my guidance, I know you can succeed."

Raven nodded, her hand on the hilt of her sword. "Let's do this."

Together, the three of them stepped through the portal and into the unknown.

As they emerged on the other side, they found themselves in a dark and foreboding forest. The trees loomed above them, their branches like skeletal fingers reaching for the sky.

"This is the Shadowwood," Lyra whispered. "Arachnea's stronghold lies at its heart."

Leo drew his sword, its blade shining in the dim light. "Then let's get moving."

And with that, they set off into the darkness, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

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