Mandys Candy

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Leon convinced Gus to sneak out at night for their so-called "forest walk."

"Leon, are you really sure about this? I mean, we've had forest walks before, but sneaking out on a school night? Isn't that too much?" Gus asked with a hint of concern.

"Gus, relax. I practically grew up in the woods," Leon said, touching Gus's shoulder to reassure him.

Gus looked up at Leon, and Leon felt a flutter in his stomach. He always knew Gus looked good, but seeing him look up with such trust did something to him.

"So, you're in?" Leon asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Okay," Gus replied, looking back with half-open lips. "But not without Spooky," he added with a giggle.

Leon sighed, rolling his eyes but smiling. "Okay, whatever."

They both walked to the forest, holding hands.

"Leon, are you sure this is the right way?" Gus asked, his concern growing.

"Gus, trust me. I know this forest better than anything," Leon replied in a cocky tone.

"If you say so..." Gus pouted.

They walked deeper into the forest, the moonlight filtering through the trees casting eerie shadows around them. The sound of leaves crunching under their feet was the only noise in the otherwise silent woods.

As they walked, Gus couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. "Leon, what if we get lost?" he asked, his voice tinged with anxiety.

Leon squeezed his hand reassuringly. "We won't get lost, Gus. Trust me."

But as they continued walking, it became clear that Leon's confidence might have been misplaced. The familiar landmarks he was used to seeing were nowhere to be found.

"Leon," Gus said, his voice shaking slightly. "I think we might be lost."

Leon stopped and looked around, realizing with a sinking feeling that Gus was right. "Okay, maybe we're a little lost," he admitted. "But we'll find our way back. Don't worry."

Gus's breathing started to quicken, his chest tightening with panic. "Leon, I don't like this. What if we can't find our way back?"

Leon pulled him into a hug, trying to calm him down. "Gus, it's going to be okay. Just breathe. We'll figure it out."

Just then, they saw a faint light in the distance. "Look," Leon said, pointing. "There's something over there. Maybe someone can help us."

They walked toward the light, and as they got closer, they saw it was a small, old factory. The sign above the door read "Mandy's Candy."

Leon's eyes lit up. "I know this place! Mandy makes the best sweets in town."

Gus felt a bit of relief wash over him. "Let's see if she's here."

They knocked on the door, and after a moment, a woman with a kind smile opened it. "Well, hello there," she said. "What are you boys doing out here so late?"

"We got lost in the woods," Leon explained. "Could we maybe stay here for a while and get our bearings?"

Mandy nodded, stepping aside to let them in. "Of course. Come on in. You must be hungry. I have plenty of sweets."

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