The Historical Fight

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'This thing is so hard to control,'said JIO. JIO is a beginner at time traveling, he was doing a "test drive" with the testing officer to decide whether or not he can be a real time traveller. But in the middle of the journey, the engine failed and JIO was forced into the only one-manned emergency capsule. Sadly, the time machine went into a parallel universe with the test officer, and was never seen again.

Suddenly, the air was filled with the capsule's computer monotone voice:'Fuel is running out! Fuel is running out! Self-destruct in 10 seconds! 10..9...8...' the computer started counting down as the air was soaked in the hot, eye-catching red flashing light.

'Oh man! now what do I do?....oh wait look! there's an exit over there! Let's go!' JIO shouted, even though he was alone in his capsule. JIO guided the capsule until he reached the ten metre point, then he realised that the count down was on three already! His instinct quickly took control over his body, he opened the capsule door and jumped, but too late! He forgot that he can only jump for five metres!! Luckily, the explosion from his capsule sent him another five metres or beyond, as he safely landed on the grassland of Sparta.

'Oh.... where am I?' JIO woke up and looked around, a smile quickly spread across his dirty face,'Sparta in the year 100BC!'

'Hey you over there! The weird clothing guy, why did you run away from the military training? You will be severely punished!' JIO looked up, and saw three men standing in front of him, all of them wears identical armour; Long spear, giant round shield, shiny golden chest armour and leg armour and are all wearing helmets. Except the helmet, JIO noticed, one of them was wearing a horsehair crest helmet and the other two wore plain median helmet, he must be a higher ranked officer then! JIO thought. Ah! JIO remembered, in Sparta, every men at the age of twenty or above had to goto the military training in the early morning. He looked around, the Sun haven't came up yet, he thought. 'Ah think think think JIO.... you need an excuse to not goto the training...'JIO whispered to himself.

'I am from another country!!' shouted JIO, as his voice echoed in between all the buildings.

'Well then, I guess that you will be forced to be a soldier. You! Take him away! We need to see King Leonidas immediately!' shouted Agis, the leader of the group. JIO struggled, but not strong enough to flee. The Spartans took all his accessories out, thinking that they were weapons. Mobile phone, necklace, shoes and the Vortex Watch, a watch that turns off the Time Vortex, which JIO forgot to close it. Walking in slow paces, the Spartans took him away, leaving Agis behind, who is starring at the mysterious Time Vortex

'WOW! The blue-coat guy's world is VERY weird!!' said Agis, in an exciting voice. He had stepped through the Time Vortex and arrived at New York, in the year 2011,seeing speeding metal boxes, metal temples, giant metal flying birds and metal, big caterpillars for the first time. Agis rushed back into the Time Vortex, shocked and surprised as he ran towards the Temple of the Kings;'I must report to King Leonidas about what i just saw!'

In the Temple of Kings, King Leonidas was sitting at the highest point, with soldiers at either side of him. Agis came in, followed by two soldiers carrying JIO towards the King. They stopped at the feet of the steps. Agis and the two soldiers bowed down, then Agis said:'King Leonidas the Great! I believe this guy in front of you is a Persian spy!!' Everyone in the room gasped, pointing and booing JIO until the King shout out 'Silence!' before everyone stooped making noises and looked at the King,

'Where is the proof?' the King barked.

'At the grassland of Arcadia, there was a colourful, circular thing flying on top of the grassland, it can still be reached, and once you step through it, you will arrive at the Persian Empire!' explained Agis.

'I shall go and see it by myself, and if Agis is right, I will have your head chopped off by one of our finest gladiators, Persian spy!' exclaimed the King.

'So this is the Great Empire of Persia, you say? Looking impressive!!' the King said, after went through the Time Vortex.'I shall have the young man's head chopped in front of the Temple of Zeus!!' barked the King as he stepped back into the Time Vortex.

'No! I don't want to die young! No! Leave me alone! I'm not a Persian spy! I am a time traveler!' shouted JIO as he was dragged onto the head stage and his head was placed onto the head stage. Next to him was a gladiator with his long, razor sharp sword and ready for justice.'No! I'm innocent! You can't do this to me, I cannot die...' there was a quick "whoosh" before JIO can finish his sentence. No-one spoke from the audience, the scene was as silent as the end of a bloody battle. Then everyone left in a quiet pace.

'Beep...beep...beep....beep!! Time traveler JIO, aged 17, died in Sparta in 100BC, reason:Code 1063super computer warned the Time Agents, at the Central Time Travel Intelligence Authorities, a.k.a. as the CTTIA, the information about JIO has reached the place.'We have a time traveler who has been killed because the King thought he was a Persian spy? That's ridiculous! I'm gonna get revenge for JIO!' General Watson said angrily.'We will start our journey in the morning, and we will get our REVENGE!!'

In the next morning, thousands of spaceships came out from the Time Vortex and landed at the Grassland of Arcadia. Witnesses in Sparta rushed to King Leonidas and reported the event.'The soldiers were killing innocent civilians!!' cried one of the witness' 'Everyone! take all your shields, armours and spears with you! WE ARE AT WAR!!!' roared the King.

The actual war was very bloody, it was the first Historical War taken place in the human timeline. There were dead bodies everywhere, all fiercely pierced or stabbed, sometimes there will be a part of the body sent flying, abdomens, hands, heads, eye balls, intestines and hearts or brains. Both sides are suffering massive losses. After one month of fighting, the Spartans were winning the Future Soldiers, thanks to Spartans shields and armours, because they are actually bulletproof!! Agis, the leader of the Spartan soldiers, has killed hundreds and thousands of Future Soldiers. At last, General Watson finally decides to retreat and all the Future Soldiers started to run back into the spacecraft, either wounded or injured. General Watson came up to King Leonidas and they both ended up with an agreement: Close the Time Vortex. After that, General Watson went into his Spaceship, the flying object quickly went into the Time Vortex, with the Time Vortex closed behind them.

After that day, all the time traveling are banned throughout Planet Earth, and a message had been passed down generations after generations: Never fights against the Spartans!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2011 ⏰

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