Ali is all alone. She's scared, and hurting, but no one sees her. She's invisible. Almost. But Kim sees her. Just enough to make her life even more miserable than it already is. Ali has spent her whole life in and out of foster homes, and all the while, Kim carson has been her own personal bully. Flattering.
But Ali can handle it, Ali can handle anything. Except sometimes it gets to be too much. And then... Ali isn't so sure that she can take it anymore, maybe it's just time to... Finish it.
Ethan sees Ali. She doesn't know it but he always has. And he sees her hurting. All he wants to do is make it stop, but how can he, when his sister hates her so much? Well maybe Ethan and Kim don't have to agree in everything.
Okay. I just want to put this out there. Bullying is wrong and horrible, in every shape, size, and form. I know you've heard it a million times before but it's never okay and it's never something you should have to deal with, especially not alone.
I know you don't know me but if there is ever ever anything any of you are going through, you can message me and talk to me. I may not have great advice but Id love to listen to anything you need to say. It's not like I know who you are anyway. Besides, I've got no reason or desire to judge you. Honestly though, no matter how small you think your problem or pain is, it's still important.
I just want you guys to know that. I love you all!!

Story ideas
RandomJust some ideas for books that I'm too lazy to write myself. Super easy to use too. And I'll be reading these! Thanks!