☆ PART 1 : the first date

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One day after work, Kaito had finally built up courage to ask Meiko out on a date with him, he had gotten a cute envelope with a piece of paper that had the date location along with a confession of his love for Meiko.

            ☆Meiko POV :
I search through my purse, looking for my wallet as I sit on my bed, relieved to finally get home from work, thinking I found my wallet, I pick up the envelope. "Huh? I didn't put this here, let me see who's this is— For Meiko, from.. K-KAITO?!" I was shocked, to say the least, and extremely flustered, I had gotten quite curious so I decided to check the contents of the envelope.

"Hi Meiko! I'm assuming that you most likely know what this letter is about so I'll skip to the chase, I really like you and I would love to get to know you better. Your voice, personality, looks— and just everything are so perfect!♡ If you would like to go on a date with me I would be ecstatic! Meet me at the fair next week if you're available.

                                           —Love, Kaito♥︎"

"H-HUH?! HE WANTS TO GO ON A DATE WITH ME?!" I screamed, as red as a tomato, I tried to calm myself down, Kaito had been my crush for a while but I was far too scared to tell him how I felt since he looked quite intimidating from afar, I was jumping around in excitement at this point, clinging to the letter and kissing it over and over.

        ☆Narrator POV:
A week later at the fair.

        ☆Kaito POV :
I held the giant bouquet I got for Meiko tightly, in fear that she wouldn't come, when I noticed her as beautiful as ever, in a medium sized red dress and a gorgeous red purse, but what I noticed first was her shiny hair and beautiful makeup. I started blushing when she ran to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, I held my hand up to my cheek in disbelief, the feeling of her red lipstick was amazing. "So, what would you like to do?♡" Meiko asked me "I-I" I was struggling to think, my whole brain had turned to mush the moment she kissed me, Meiko giggled at me and just told me to follow her. "Hehe~ There's this super fun ride I want to go on with you!" She walked me to a roller coaster, I was actually afraid of roller coasters but I couldn't say that— what would she think of me?! We put our things in one of the lockers and stood in line for what felt like ages, and she caught on to my fear of roller coasters because she said "Hey! If you need to scream then do it! Get it out of 'yer system!" As we sat down, I felt like I was going to pass out, and Meiko had to hold my hand, she was having the time of her life and obviously was so much braver than me! As we got out, we printed a photo that came from the camera on the roller coaster, and I looked like a baby because I was crying so much, Meiko was laughing so hard that I started laughing too "You look so cute!~" Meiko said, trying to make me feel better "hmm... let's go on some more rides!"

         ☆Meikos POV :
After we walked out of the fair, we decided to go get dinner somewhere, and we found this bar that was said to have amazing food, as we walked in, we looked around in amazement and then we sat ourselves down "Wow! It's so nice in here!♡" Kaito looked adorable and I just couldn't help but stare at him every now and then— it's just a little hobby of mine. "Meiko, what would you like?" Kaito asked me as he also searched the menu "Hm~ How about... we get a big bowl of pasta to share?" I used this as a way to flirt, but I was obviously failing horribly at it, thankfully though, Kaito agreed and was quite excited to get it. We decided to also order some alcohol, I got a margarita and he decided to get a Martini. "Is it a good time to mention that I don't exactly have a high alcohol tolerance..?" I asked Kaito "It's fine to let loose once in a while!" As the server brought us our drinks, we picked them up and yelled "Cheers!" After dinner, I decided to give Kaito a kiss on the lips— I mean, he's just so amazing! "I-I-M-M-Meiko?!" Kaito looked so funny after I kissed him, but I couldn't blame him honestly♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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