GFoaFN Pt.2

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If there is a ":" left by itself that means that the same character that prevousily spoke, is speaking again, youll see it from time to time.

 Jovanni: Btw, "GFoaFN"Stands for Gettin' Freaky on a Friday Night.

Flame: Heya-!

Jovanni: Hi- Wait a mintuent, your not supposed to be here! Get back in your head cannon and let me finish this part!

Flame: Why?

Jovanni: Besides, the creator of your OC is gonna see this anyways... maybe. And dont you have B.I.T.E.S To do? It's been a year.

Flame: Fine... Just wanted to show you some memes...


Flame: So?

Jovanni: Just let me finish this.

Flame: Okay...

Jovanni:Anyways... *Back at the stage*

:Let me teach you how to play the game!

*Im not explaining the game womp womp*


All: Yup!/Sure, Ig./Yea!

Jovanni: Then lets save Sunshine and Axel! Or is it Axol..? I'm gonna say it's with a e.

:Yes this is based off of this and im too lazy so yea womp to the most fuckity womp.

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