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Jenna tossed and turned, but she couldn't sleep. She didn't know why, she tried working on her essay but she wasn't in the mood for it. She tried reading the script, but she was too tired for it, so why couldn't she sleep?

She took a deep breath as she stood up from her bed, opening the door quietly making sure to not wake up the other girl, but to her surprise she wasn't in bed, she frowned as she turned on the lights, confirming that the girl wasn't in bed, she walked to the living room seeing that her bed was made but she wasn't in it

"Y/n?" She called out, Y/n's head quickly popped into her view from the small patio outside "Miss Ortega? Are you okay?" She asked, Jenna could see worried all over her face as she made her way back inside, Jenna nodded "Yeah i just...thought you were sleeping" Y/n quickly covered her eyes

"I couldn't sleep so i made some tea and decided to sit outside for a bit" Y/n answered, Jenna looked at her weirdly

"Funny, I can't sleep either...But why did you cover your eyes?" Jenna asked

"You only have a shirt on...and yeah" Y/n said, Jenna looked down as her eyes widened, she did only have a shirt and underwear on "Shit, i'm sorry i'll go put on some shorts...can you uh..make me a cup of tea also? "

They both sat outside in silence, not saying a word, Jenna feeling a bit embarrassed about what had happened, she usually wouldn't mind but she really didn't know the girl

"So, why can't you sleep?" Y/n asked clearing her throat, Jenna took a sip of her tea "I don't know...why can't you sleep?" She asked back

"Still not tired i guess and hopefully you'll sleep with that tea, it's special"

Jenna's eyes widened as she sat up a bit "Did you...drug me??" She asked, Y/n stared at her like a deer in headlight as she bursted out laughing "Oh dear God no!! it just relaxes you! it's a sleeping tea" She said laughing, Jenna sat back down as she giggled feeling relieved, like she wouldn't mind getting high or anything but... "Oh.. just making sure" She said smiling, She took in how Y/n looked laughing, the way her smile reached up all the way to her eyes, her pretty pearly whiteys, she was pretty

"That would be a bit funny tho...but i hope it does help, sometimes we just need to relax you know? Don't stress yourself Miss Ortega you've been working a lot"

Jenna nodded hearing this, she was right, she's been up and down with new and future projects that she hasn't really had the time to relax and hearing that, made her relax

"Your right...sometimes i forget to relax"

"Let's do this, i'll have cup of  tea ready for you every night so you can just come out here and take a break" Y/n suggested as they looked out at the dark sky, Jenna's heart fluttered a bit hearing this

"You don't have to do-"

"But i want to"

They talked for a bit, joking around and having a good time, until the tea kicked in for Jenna who fell asleep on the chair, Y/n smiled at this, y/n took her in noticing how small she is, She lifted her up carrying her to her room, she set her alarm and left her phone to charge, she even tucked her in, leaving the door a bit opened so a bit of light could get in, even though she knew Jenna wasn't scared of the dark but who knows ?

Jenna felt everything she did and it made her heart flutter .

Jenna had to admit she was a bit jealous, she had gotten used to Y/n's attention only focused on her but it was her fault, she had told her to leave her alone today, that she had to focused, so Y/n offered to be everyone's p.a apparently, she did it just to keep herself busy, she regretted it so much, there she was up and down smiling and laughing with Joy Sunday, She hated this feeling so much, she didn't know why she was feeling it, cause of the attention? Y/n's attention is focused primarily on her, did she like y/n?? Was she just being a bitch??? Was she being...possessive?
She wish she knew but she hasn't had time to think about that at all
"Hey Y/n you got a minute ?" She called quickly before she could leave out of her sight "of course miss or-"
"You need to stop calling me miss ortega, we're just two years apart" Y/n looked a bit taken aback

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