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The Curse


Umeed- "Nahi Mehek, it's nothing.Bass thodi si thakaan hai...I will talk to you tomorrow... yeah..., bye!
The night seemed a little too calm and almost suffocating quiet. Try how she may, she could not erase the look on his face from her memory. She had dialed Mehek's number when she was no more able to sort her thoughts by herself. Though she continued talking about everything for past 15 minutes she could not touch the most disturbing topic for once, she could not bring herself up to talk about him.
Umeed- "What the hell, why am I even thinking about him! Ughh-------

Just the fact that she was unable to stop thinking about him, the moment and his reaction was eating her alive. Not only her pride but her heart was crushed too by him and she was hanging on loose string wondering what was she more annoyed about, the kiss that never happened, or his disappointed look and warning about how the moment shouldn't have happened at all!? Or the fact that he had warned her off as if she was the one who had forced him, ... wasn't he the one who had initiated by pulling her close and looking at her like nothing else mattered, and not held a look like he was a moth to her flame. It had been enough of his switching modes, a minute of concern and closeness and then a storm of hatred. Why did she even have to go through this, why wouldn't her heart just stop reminding her of him! Yes it was her heart that was thinking on it's own, because she was pretty sure her brain was warning her off against this strange, egoist human, but her heart just wouldn't budge. Was she having a crush? No that wasn't possible. Of course he had all the looks and charms, but he did not possess a single quality of being the caring- loving partner she had always dreamt of. Though there had been moments of care, which now looked like were just a mistake or maybe reading too much between the lines. Because all she remembered was how he had left with her there in the lift still pinned to the wall panting hard at the outburst, to regret their proximity they had shared, and the sudden turn of events. And then a thought terrified her that even after all of this maybe it wasn't her crush... Maybe it was something more? That gave a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she couldn't erase the thought.

A concerned Sameer had come up to offer her a drop at home which was no eureka to be figured was sent by whom! Her wound had opened up and was bleeding so he wanted to dress it up for her but she had clearly denied. Though she wanted to leave by herself but Sameer hadn't budged adding to her annoyance. But she had banned him from asking or speaking even a word. As she was lost in her own thoughts, some noise from down the window she sat at caught her attention snapping her out of her thoughts. It was quite late and definitely there was no sane person around at this hour so she was a bit scared but as she found nothing down her eyes instead moved ahead as they caught something rather a sight of someone. There was no way she wouldn't know, his presence was always strong. But his presence wasn't what surprised him, his actions did. Her already boiling self just exploded at the scene unfolding in front of her eyes. It hadn't even been more than 4 hours and this guy was not only hugging a girl but had just kissed her forehead loving, and what's more was he had to do that right across her house. The girl finally bid him after just a few seconds but only after which seemed like some serious conversation and as she left suddenly she saw him go stiff and then as if sensing her gaze he looked up. Their eyes couldn't budge away, and however her heart hurt from the memories of that painful moment of his rejection, she still couldn't stop her heart from drifting in his direction. But the moment he took a step ahead as if approaching her with an unreadable expression, it was enough to snap her out of it. She shut the windows with a loud thud but of course after throwing him a glare. The night had been a long and sleepless one, she made every attempt to think of anything but him, but the more she tried the more she failed.

For a change, she had ignored him like a plague since then. Every other chance that he got there after, he had humiliated her for every tiny mistake that she had done. Snapped at her in front of people for petty things, changed his route if she was present in the room, and had made sure every person in the office knew how much he disliked her or her opinions. It looked like he was punishing her for letting herself close to him in that moment, as if it had been the biggest mistake of his life and he regretted it to the core. This went on for a while, but a few days down and suddenly he looked like he wanted to talk to her as she began to ignore him. She had finally decided to move on knowing pretty well he was doing it on purpose, she decided to distract herself and had been busy in her own work or preferred spending her time with Waleed, one of her collegues, these days which for some reason she could see was disturbing him. But by then she had enough and Waleed seemed like a good guy, he was a good friend and it helped her to stop thinking of him so she was happy. Sameer grew a bit suspicious as he had seen Farjaad disturbed to no ends. After been successful at avoiding him through the week, she decided to leave quietly as the clock struck 7 when she met Waleed. She had realized he found extra interest in everything that was related to her. She wasn't blind to not see that he had a liking towards her but obviously she tried to pretend as if unaware not wanting to give any kind of hopes. But somehow as she stood alone waiting for a cab he found it a great opportunity to be with her while he could drop her, but just as a few minutes flew Farjaad and Sameer had stepped down. They were still far away but he looked up, as if even from far he had known her presence. She had always sensed his presence too, but he as if always knowingly looked up. It looked like something gave him a sign if she was around. Their eyes met for a minute, he was a little far and since it was dark it was a difficult to figure what his eyes held but still she could feel his eyes boring. But soon she was reminded how he had made her feel like sh** and guilty for nothing she should be of and his behavior for the past week. She immediately drifted her eyes up to Waleed. He was offering her a drive back home unaware of the heated gaze he was under from behind. Knowing pretty well that by now Farjaad was glaring, she could just somehow sense it he was unhappy of how close she was standing to this guy. The mere thought made her insides burn, but somewhere just a sliver of her heart was excited and happy thinking he was probably jealous, and that made her smirk. God knows what made her so confident but she had a sudden urge to throw a blow at him and she did exactly that. She stunned Waleed and herself a little too as she encircled her hand against his bicep holding him followed by a very sweet Thank you, as he had offered her a ride. And then with no plausible explanation that her mind could think of, he had appeared right in front within a blink of eye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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