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*Calling 9425XXXXXX...

"Luciano, track Adriana's phone, and tell me her exact location." ~ Ivan

"Hold on. Well, did anything happen to her? Is she okay?" ~Luciano

"Everything's alright. It's just she went to school by bus with one of her friends. I didn't knew she was grounded." ~ Ivan

"Got the location. Seems like she was here for long time." ~Luciano

"Check since how long she's been there?" ~ Ivan

"Since last forty-five minutes." ~Luciano

"I'll look into it. You keep everything clear." ~ Ivan

*Call ends*

I drove to her last location and found her phone lying on the alley floor. Though it was broken but the security measures have been taken care of this situation as well. We made sure that we will get her location even though her phone is dead, switched off or broken. I dropped a message to Luciano about her and dialed a number.

*Dials number 8669324XXX*

"Gracias, you got her?" ~ Ivan

"Ivee, I got the girl. You need to come here." ~ Uknown

"I am on my way, make sure she is fine."~ Ivan

*Call ends*

After forty-five minutes of straight driving, I have reached my destination where I could find her and rang the doorbell.


*Door opens*

"Finally, you're here. We've tied her up in her room." 

"Good work, tell Boss about this." I said and walked towards her room.

"Adriana, Are you okay?" I said and sat beside her.

"Who?" she said in a low breath.

She got pale due to the roughly tied ropes around her, which have made her skin turn red. A fresh bruise on her forehead which I know how she got. I untied her a little, I moved my hand firmly not to hurt her.

"You can't untie her until the boss comes and checks her."

"He will only be able to check her if she stays alive." I stated.

"I made sure there shouldn't be jokes in our work before going for this." He asked.

"I also made sure, Adriana shouldn't be harmed in this process." I said untying her body so she can move freely.

"Tell her about the clip." He replied.

"Listen Adrei, I will make a Video of yours to send your father. You have to act as you are hurt, I will remove the gag, and you should cry for help. Do as I say, I don't want get you hurt in anyway." I explained and started recording.

"And NOW" he yelled.

Throughout the pain she did perfectly. I felt sorry for what it is right now, but this won't take long. Soon she'll be fine, and she'll know the truth. 

"And DONE" he said.

"Well done, Adrie." I said and gave phone to him, "Some edit will fix this clip."

"Ivan, what the hell is this? Why am I still here, get me out of this place. NOW " her voice was clipped and filled with a dark rage.

"I needed to do this; your father has some ransom with these people. I am here to make sure that you won't be harmed here. For now, just do as they asks you to do" I said and walked out to the living room.

*Boss enters the apartment*

"How did you take so long to come here?" he asked.

"I have to clear some stuff, so that they don't catch us." I replied.

"Video!" he asked furiously, I could read the anger in his facial expressions.

"We have made it, he will edit it and share with Mr. Accardi.

"Great job done, Roggers! You can now leave Ivan,  will be staying here until we hops to new place." Boss said in arrogant way.

"Sure!" I replied and left by the door.

I drove back to the mansion, where everyone seemed normal, but this won't last forever. Mario's money will be mine in no time. I texted Nico to edit video and mail Mario.

*In evening*

The video has been edited and mailed on Chris's email. I walked towards Mario's room and did my best acting.

"S-sir, you need to hear this. But first I am sorry. I know this is my mistake, I should have been careful with Adriana" I said with full fear in my eyes.

"Don't worry, Ivan. I'll talk to her after she comes back." He replied taking a sip of his drink.

"B-but sir, she will not come back until you won't give money." I started acting to my fullest, I started to shake my body slightly.

"M-money? why?" He asked curiously looking straight into my eyes.

"S-sir she has been k-kidnapped by someone this morning on her way to school. She left by herself and was going with her friend, Kaien. We got the necessary details out by school." I said with fakeness in my eyes.

"W-WHat? Give me all the details." He was frowned at his chair.

"Kaien waited for her at the bus stand, but she didn't come. He is the person who got the last text message from Adriana. It said ~I am sorry, I can't be there on time. You can leave alone I'll be there by the end of the activity period~" I responded.

"I need to talk to everyone. Make security tight and bring Kaien in my office." He yelled and rushed out of the room.

I called Kaein to be here within 10 minutes and made all the necessary arrangements. I could see everyone in fear, Kayla called his parents over so they won't be hurt in such actions. Mario talked to his partners to go for a search rescue operation. I entered his office room, and his files were all upside down and he have been calling everyone for help.

"Ivan, I need cops here in my office now." He yelled.

"Yes, sir. Well, we got a new detail. The last call done was by Kayla to Ivan. We didn't get the call recording; we are trying our best." I said putting up my best acting.

"Kayla to be here, now!" He yelled.

Kayla rushed to his office; I could see her sweating as now she's going to spill every secrets.

"Ivan, we will get our Adriana back, right?" Nia asked crying.

"U-uh Nia, please don't cry. We all are working here to get her back safely." I said patting her and whispered, "I need to go to get our Adriana back".

She moved aside and I walked towards the garden to call Josh.

*calls Josh*

"Nico, planned worked out successfully." ~Ivan

"Good to hear." ~ Nicholas

"You are really missing out Mario's face, he is in full fear not of losing his daughter but his money." ~Ivan

"I have made sure that in future plans I will see him full in fear Infront of me." ~Nicholas

"How's Adriana? Feed her well, I don't want her to get weak." ~Ivan

"I have injected her, and she's asleep. I fed her in afternoon some fruits. She didn't eat much as she is in fear." ~Nicholas

"Good, I will be there soon after some fun here." ~Ivan

*Call ends*

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