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Chavi's pov:
"Are you... fine... with this marriage?" I asked being straightforward.

He raised his eyebrow at my question.
"And why do you think that I'll have any issue with it?"

"Cause I remember someone calling me a careless child and no one would want a careless child as his wife, right Rana sa." I said with a sarcastically bite to my words.

I don't know from where this sarcastic comment came but he deserved it.

"I may apologize for being harsh to you but I've no remorse for scolding you. It was careless on your part..." he said in his calm tone.

"Do you really think that I can be a good partner for you? We barely know each other... You know nothing of me and I basically didn't knew about your existence a month ago." I laid all my worries bare in front of him ignoring his answer.

"And this marriage isn't only about you and me. It's about two families... and you have a child too. And I don't know if I'm capable enough to take care of him or not? If i can be a good mother or not? I don't want to force any relation on such a small boy. What if he doesn't accept me as his mother, then what will you do?" I said looking straight into his eyes.

"If this is what you are worried about then you don't need to be, Chavi! My family is more than ready to accept you as their daughter. I haven't seen ma so happy in such a long time. And about Arman, he talks about you day and night. That day when he was sick. He wanted you to be with him. He is a very silent kid with strangers but with you he is so, chirpy and happy. So, I assure you that there will be no problem." He said assuring me in his calm tone.

Before I could answer back anything we were interrupted by the waitress.

Placing my chocolate shake and his coffee on the table. She wished us and left us to ourselves again.

We sat quietly for sometime having our drinks.
He is saying that it will all be fine but I can't help but worry. Even though I do feel a little better after talking with him but still your fear doesn't go away so easily.

"Are you sure that you can accept me with all my flaws and darkness too, Rana sa?" I asked breaking the silence.

Listening to my question he shifted his intense gaze back to me.

Placing his cup back on the table he asked while looking me in the eyes.
"What do you expect from me, Chavi? For sure you would have some expectations from your future husband."

Instead of answering he questioned back.
"I don't believe in love Rana sa. But I do believe in having respect, understanding and loyalty in a relationship..." I answered looking outside the window.

It was dusk. The sun had almost set making the sky look red and yellow with a warm glow. It was a peaceful sunset. One you would want to see letting go of all your worries.

"I only ask for these three things from you, Rana sa and I promise to do the same in return. I just want you to respect me and my family... My thought, my opinion....

"And if in future there is any misunderstanding I want you to first come to me and ask me directly, if I did it or not. If that's true or not."

"Last but not least, I want your loyalty. I need you to be loyal with me and I assure you that you will receive all this in return from me." I finished turning back to look at him.

"And what about trust? Isn't it important in a relationship?" He asked seeming curious.

I smiled a little at his question and answered, "You don't ask for trust, Rana sa. You built it. You make other trust you through your actions and words."

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