**Chapter 4: The Reconnection**

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Days blurred into each other as Wanda strove to reconnect with the fractured pieces of her past. Training sessions became more rigorous, each day revealing more about her enhanced abilities and the submerged memories that haunted her. The repressed agony and regret from her darker actions surfaced in vivid, terrifying clarity.

One morning, Wanda's training was interrupted by a sudden, overwhelming vision that forced her to her knees. The image of Kamar-Taj, ablaze and filled with the screams of the suffering, consumed her mind. She saw herself, relentless and cold, tearing through the sorcerers who tried in vain to stop her.

Gasping, she struggled to distinguish reality from memory.

"Wanda!" Vision's voice cut through her distress. He rushed to her side, his synthetic hands gentle yet steadying. "What is it?"

"I remember," she whispered, tears streaming down her face. "I remember attacking Kamar-Taj. I... I killed so many people. I was consumed by the Darkhold, lost to its power. How could I..."

Vision's eyes widened with concern. He had always known that Wanda's past was checkered with painful memories, but the intensity of her anguish now was palpable. "Wanda, you weren't yourself. The Darkhold-"

"No," she interrupted, shakily rising to her feet. "This isn't just about the Darkhold. It's about me. My choices. My actions. Doctor Strange... Stephen, he could never forgive me for what I did. How can I even begin to forgive myself?"

Inside the Avengers headquarters, Wanda's distress did not go unnoticed. Tony, Natasha, and even Bruce Banner arrived, their concern evident. They surrounded her, offering their support in solemn silence.

"We need to find Doctor Strange," Wanda insisted, her voice firm despite the tremors racking her body. "I need to know why he... they all seem so different."

Tony exchanged a glance with Natasha before speaking. "Wanda, there's something you should know. We detected unusual cosmic activity the day you were resurrected. It's possible that you... you might not be in your original reality."

Her eyes widened, the possibility sinking in. "Another reality? But how do we-"

"There's one way to find out," Tony said, gesturing towards a portal device they had been working on. "We can cross-check signatures with the multiverse's energy fields. It's not foolproof, but it's the best shot we have."

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