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First thing we need to do to see if we can make theo G-Vaccine and once it is made since I did read medical purposes so we will test it to see what it can do. So from the file I read how to turn the virus into a vaccine and once I read how to I gave the instructions to my team as they began as we began making the vaccine I started to become friends with Alice as we will meet up for lunch as we will sit outside together having lunch as we will talk about different things. I will admit I have been enjoying my lunches with Alice because I know I can talk to her about anything and she won't say anything. At some point William Birkin has made his appearance to see if we have made the vaccine and he mentioned once the vaccine was made that we were going to treat the employees that end up with wounds that need to be closed that will be the study we need to see if it can be used to treat open wounds. Once we finally made the vaccine as the employees all knew that anyone that gets injured there is a new treatment to be used and it will only be used on employees only. Since the announcement to all employees of the hive about the new treatment while only the employees will get this new treatment but the public wasn't allowed to know yet. At first we were getting employees with minor wounds while twenty four hours later the ones we have treated show no sign not whatsoever they ever had a minor wound to begin like nothing there no mark or anything. Me and my team couldn't believe what we were seeing so and since we didn't have enough data to say it will work to close up all minor wounds yet without needing stitches so we continue to treat the minor wounds as they come that is. At first I wasn't sure what we were seeing was this a medical break through we needed or was there something more to this that meets the eye. Our statistics weren't high enough to make any announcement yet about the G-Vaccine not yet anyhow. But I have started to record our own findings hoping to help us find further use for the vaccine other than closing up minor wounds that no longer need stitches. I began at this point by taking my work at home well the files I was working on and needing to finish for the next day. One day during lunch time and when I was with Alice she was asking me any news from the research department on this new treatment that seems to be working oddly enough. Since it was only the employees who were getting this treatment while Alice hasn't yet so no harm in telling her and I did. As I was explaining to her about the vaccine which only the employees was being used on not ready for the public to know yet because they are in an early stage with the vaccine too soon to say anything. As Alice was listening to me as I was explaining about the G-Vaccine she seemed very interesting in it as she said hopefully we can put to good use of it as it seems already a miracle of some sort. I also told her the downside is that they still haven't figured out how to make it a bioweapon. Alice said wouldn't it be easy since the viruses are liquid to use it in bombs the ones planes drop that there started to get me think on this because it is possible if one is a bomb maker that it and where to put the virus to be stored until the bomb drops on the enemy territory. One day my department got a visit from William Birkin who wanted to hear any results we have with the vaccine as I told him so far all they have been treated were minor wounds so far the results are as following all who got treated so far their small wounds were all closed within 24 hours. William Birkin was pleased with the report as he told me that we need to try other wounds other than minor ones of course I said. So now the people who work for Umbrella their families were allowed to receive the vaccine as well the only way we can get to try it on other wounds is to see if the results come back the same as the first the wounds all closed as well as no signs there ever was a wound to begin with. When the families began to receive the same treatment they were told not to say a word to anyone not even the news crew. Those who came with their children who had different type wounds while some closed within 24 hours while others took 48 hours so that tells us the bigger the wound the longer it takes compared to small wounds that I also record down on the file I was working on for the vaccine report. At some point I began to notice all we had done was the G-Virus only we haven't begun to touch the T-Virus yet nor have we tried to turn it into a vaccine yet. Despite the progress we are making with the G-Vaccine seeing it may one day be the biggest breakthrough with medicine no longer does anyone have to be stitched with stitches any more that will make tons of people happy as well plus help Umbrella look good in front of our president since he knows Umbrella is here making bioweapons but that is about he knows the little he knows better for us besides the enemy of United States finds this place we will be in big trouble with everything we have here. But for now no matter what as long as I know what damage the Virus can do as I forgot to mention not only does it regenerate dead tissue but also can in fact cause rage that can happen within seconds once the person has in fact been infected not only that one can host rage as well but they can infect others by a scratch will all it will take for the history to infect another now that worries me very much as I read all that from the floppy's we have on both viruses. Since knowing all this I now have been struggling to sleep at night knowing what we have is in fact very potential and can be very dangerous if fallen in the wrong hands that is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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