002. Hola Serena

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Two weeks later

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Two weeks later...
Rita walked in the lab with captain Howard following her, "Guys, let's run cap through what we got on the case" she spoke grabbing Serena's attention from her computer.

"Kelly, run us through ballistics"

"So the slugs in officer lowery were SS one ninety. P ninety fires that caliber? The Herstal."

On the big board Serena showed pictures of the bullets and the gun that the shooter used, the details in the video still bothered her she felt like she seen that bike before.

"But these were subsonic five point seven by twenty eights, custom rounds." Kelly finished, Rita crossed her arms walking towards the board.

"I wanna know who made those bullets." Rita said, Dorn was looking down at the electrical table, "we are watching four Chan and cross-referencing players in the market with the feds' red lines." He informed cap, captain Howard nodded taking a bite out of his string cheese.

"Mikes like a son to me"

Captain Howard stood in front of the team, "I want this asshole." And with that he exit the lab.

Rita sighed putting her hands on the table, "this is personal for me too, let's bring every single thing we got, all right?" She ordered.

The team nodded.

Serena turned back to her computer looking at the video again to see if she can find something useful, "yo you okay?" Rafe asked looking at the concentration on her face.

Serena turned her head looking at Rafe's direction who was laid back in his seat, "yeah, why?" She answered his question.

"You been re watching that video for the past ten minutes" he said, fidgeting with his pen.

"Something about this video is just familiar to me and I can't figure it out yet" she explained, she was slowly starting to get disappointed that nothing on this bike could trigger something in her to remember. "So you're basically trying to trigger something in your mind to remember that familiar thing?" Rafe asked, simply reading her mind.

Serena nodded, "basically"


"There are three other law enforcement agents that have been killed that could be linked to our case." Serena told the team, pulling up what she found on the news.

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